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An interaction factor approach and parametric analysis for piled raft foundation
CHEN Longzhu, CAO Ming, CHEN Shengli
2008, 30(2): 155-159.
Abstract PDF
Maximum saturated depth of landfill in drainage system with geosynthetics
KE Han, CHEN Yunmin
2008, 30(2): 160-165.
Abstract PDF
Compression-dilatancy coupling effect and asymptotic state criterion of sand
ZHANG Jianmin, SONG Fei
2008, 30(2): 166-171.
Abstract PDF
Internal forces of DOT shield-driven tunnel lining
HU Xinyu, ZHANG Zixin
2008, 30(2): 172-180.
Abstract PDF
Penetration radius and grouting pressure in fracture grouting
ZHANG Zhongmiao, ZOU Jian
2008, 30(2): 181-184.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei
HO Cheng-tao, CHEN Shong-loong
2008, 30(2): 185-192.
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional full coupling numerical simulation of groundwater dewatering and land-subsidence in quaternary loose sediments
LUO Zujiang, LIU Jinbao, LI Lang
2008, 30(2): 193-198.
Abstract PDF
Analytic model for tracing crack propagation under coupled mechanical-hydrological environment
SUN Yuelin, SHEN Zhenzhong, WU Yuejian, XUE Jianfeng
2008, 30(2): 199-204.
Abstract PDF
Study on shear dilatancy behaviors of rockfills in large-scale triaxial tests
LIU Mengcheng, GAO Yufeng, LIU Hanlong
2008, 30(2): 205-211.
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional slope stability analysis based on NURBS simulation
LI Liang, CHEN Zuyu, CHI Shichun, CHENG Yung ming, WANG Yujie
2008, 30(2): 212-218.
Abstract PDF
Variation characteristic analysis of a structural parameter for surrounding soils in loess tunnels
DENG Guohua, SHAO Shengjun
2008, 30(2): 219-224.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic response of single pile embedded in half-space saturated soil subjected to Rayleigh waves
LU Jianfei, NIE Weidong
2008, 30(2): 225-231.
Abstract PDF
Numerical analysis of improved deep soft foundation for highways by use of D-M method
YE Guanbao, LIAO Xingyue, GAO Yanbin, XU Chao
2008, 30(2): 232-236.
Abstract PDF
Application of reduced suction in calculation of soil earth pressure at rest for expansive soils
CHEN Tielin, CHEN Shengshui, GU Xingwen, ZHANG Weimin
2008, 30(2): 237-242.
Abstract PDF
Small strain characteristics and threshold strain of dynamic Hardin-Drnevich model for soils
CHI Shichun, GUO Xiaoxia, YANG Jun, LIN Gao
2008, 30(2): 243-249.
Abstract PDF
Basal stability of braced excavations in K0-consolidated soft clay by upper bound method
HUANG Maosong, SONG Xiaoyu, QIN Huilai
2008, 30(2): 250-255.
Abstract PDF
The state of the art of SPH method applied in geotechnical engineering
2008, 30(2): 256-262.
Abstract PDF
Meso analysis for rationality of disturbed state concept theory considering special area of specimens
ZHENG Jianye, GE Xiurun, SUN Hong
2008, 30(2): 263-267.
Abstract PDF
In-situ tests on extra long cast-in-place piles in Tianjin Binhai New Area
MU Baogang, GONG Weiming, HUANG Siyong
2008, 30(2): 268-271.
Abstract PDF
Plastic lower bound limit analysis using block element method for jointed rock slope
CHEN Wei, WANG Junxing
2008, 30(2): 272-277.
Abstract PDF
Internal stability analysis of segmental geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining walls subjected to seismic loading
LIU Huabei
2008, 30(2): 278-283.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of installation damage on warp knit type geogrid using field tests
HUANG Bo, ZHAO Yu, LI Mingkui
2008, 30(2): 284-287.
Abstract PDF
Electricity method for checking the length of reinforcing cage in piles
LIU Jianda, FAN Xiaoping, XU Hangang
2008, 30(2): 288-291.
Abstract PDF
Simulation of mechanical behaviors of granular materials by three-dimensional discrete element method based on particle flow code
LUO Yong, GONG Xiaonan, LIAN Feng
2008, 30(2): 292-297.
Abstract PDF
Numerical analysis on influence of shield tunnel excavation to neighboring piles
ZHU Fengbin, YANG Ping, ONG C W
2008, 30(2): 298-302.
Abstract PDF
Ground temperature characteristics of block stone embankment and traditional embankment at Beiluhe along Qinghai-Tibet Railway
SUN Zhizhong, MA Wei, LI Dongqing
2008, 30(2): 303-308.
Abstract PDF