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Field tests on composite foundation with concrete-cored sand-gravel piles
CHEN Junsheng, TANG Tongzhi, ZHAO Weibing, YU Jin
2007, 29(7): 957-962.
Abstract PDF
Influence of mining velocity on mechanical characteristics of surrounding rock in fully mechanized top-coal caving face
XIE Guangxiang, CHANG Jucai, HUA Xinzhu
2007, 29(7): 963-967.
Abstract PDF
Discussions on yield criterions and stress paths of soils in tests and numerical analyses
DAI Zihang, ZHOU Ruizhong, LU Caijin
2007, 29(7): 968-976.
Abstract PDF
Mesomechanical simulation of seepage flow in sandy soil
ZHOU Jian, YAO Zhixiong, ZHANG Gang
2007, 29(7): 977-981.
Abstract PDF
Comparative research on reinforcement of thick soft clay ground based on centrifugal model tests
ZHANG Liang, LUO Qiang, ZHOU Cheng, PEI Fuying
2007, 29(7): 982-987.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of ultimate lateral resistance of sheet piles in clay by numerical lower bound method
HUANG Qiwu, HUANG Maosong, WANG Guihe, JIA Cangqin
2007, 29(7): 988-994.
Abstract PDF
Contruction control and monitoring of shield tunnels under newly-built sea embankments
LI Lingling, WANG Lizhong
2007, 29(7): 995-1003.
Abstract PDF
Calculation of resistance coefficient of adjoining rock for pressure tunnels considering effect of intermediate principal stress
CAI Xiaohong, CAI Yongbin, CAI Yongping, KANG Huaipeng
2007, 29(7): 1004-1008.
Abstract PDF
Effect of piled embankments on adjacent piles for bridge abutments
ZHU Bitang, WU Xinglong, YANG Min, LI Zhongcheng, WANG Wenbin
2007, 29(7): 1009-1017.
Abstract PDF
Studies on parameters in constitutive relation for elastic/plastic analysis of soil mass
CHANG Jung yang, CHANG Ta teh
2007, 29(7): 1018-1029.
Abstract PDF
Studies on accelerating convergence method in nonlinear stochastic finite element analysis of slope stability
TAN Xiaohui, WANG Jianguo, WU Linian, CUI Kerui, WU Daoxiang
2007, 29(7): 1030-1034.
Abstract PDF
Micro-numerical simulation of cyclic biaxial test I: results of loose sand
LIU Yang, ZHOU Jian, WU Shunchuan
2007, 29(7): 1035-1041.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on dynamic deformation characteristics of lightweight clay-EPS beads soil
LI Bing, GAO Yufeng
2007, 29(7): 1042-1047.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation on failure modes of rock bars under different wave lengths
HUANG Zhiping, TANG Chunan, ZHU Wancheng, PANG Mingzhang
2007, 29(7): 1048-1053.
Abstract PDF
Numerical analysis of ultimate pull-out resistance of suction caissons in inhomogeneous soft foundation
LUAN Maotian, FAN Qinglai, YANG Qing
2007, 29(7): 1054-1059.
Abstract PDF
Inverse dynamic system for pavement structure based on 3D spectral elements
WU Chunying, GE Xiurun, LIU Xueyan, Scarpas A
2007, 29(7): 1060-1064.
Abstract PDF
Field response tests on expansive soil slopes under atmosphere
KONG Lingwei, CHEN Jianbin, GUO Aiguo, ZHAO Yanlin, Lv Haibo
2007, 29(7): 1065-1073.
Abstract PDF
Laboratory study on face stability mechanism of slurry shields
LI Yun, ZHANG Zixin, ZHANG Guanjun
2007, 29(7): 1074-1079.
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Development and application of large scale numerical control pullout test system
YANG Heping, WAN Liang, ZHENG Jianlong
2007, 29(7): 1080-1084.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of influence on errors in Brazilian test of hard rock
WANG Yixian, CAO Ping
2007, 29(7): 1085-1089.
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PLT for high energy dynamic compaction of foundation backfilled with crushed stone
SHUI Weihou, WANG Tiehong, WANG Yaling
2007, 29(7): 1090-1093.
Abstract PDF
Studies on seismic subsidence of loess by centrifugal model tests
WENG Xiaolin
2007, 29(7): 1094-1097.
Abstract PDF
Establishment of database model for geo-digital underground space and project
ZHU Hehua, WANG Changhong, LI Xiaojun, HU Jinhu, YU Mingjian
2007, 29(7): 1098-1102.
Abstract PDF
Risk assessment on engineering feasibility of key events in Shanghai metro line No. 11
HUANG Hongwei, ZHU Lin, XIE Xiongyao
2007, 29(7): 1103-1107.
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