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A study on the interaction of cap(foundation),pile and soil
ZHENG Gang, GAO Xifeng, REN Yanhua, WU Yonghong
2004, 26(3): 307-312.
Abstract PDF
Accuracy and application range of Imbalance Thrust Force Method for slope stability analysis
SHI Weimin, ZHENG Yingren, TANG Boming, ZHANG Luyu
2004, 26(3): 313-317.
Abstract PDF
Calculation of soil deformation induced by moving load
XIE Weiping, WANG Guobo, YU Yanli
2004, 26(3): 318-322.
Abstract PDF
On unbalanced forces in 3D elasto-plastic FEM analysis
YANG Qiang, CHEN Xin, ZHOU Weiyuan, YANG Ruoqiong
2004, 26(3): 323-326.
Abstract PDF
Researches on measuring seepage velocity in the borehole of multi-aquifer
CHENG Jiansheng, YANG Songtang, FAN Zhechao
2004, 26(3): 327-330.
Abstract PDF
Analytic solution of non-axisymmetric problems in transversely isotropic elastic half-space
LI Peihao, ZHU Xiangrong
2004, 26(3): 331-334.
Abstract PDF
Distortion course of rock mechanics constitutive experiment in underground engineering
TANG Lei, HONG Xiaolin
2004, 26(3): 335-339.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of space-time effect for urban shallow tunneling by excavation
WU Bo, LIU Weining, GAO Bo, SUO Xiaoming, SHI Yuxin
2004, 26(3): 340-343.
Abstract PDF
Technique for reinforcement of the underwater riprap of gravity-type piers and researches on its effectiveness detection
LIU Hongjun, SHAN Hongxian, ZHENG Jianguo, XUE Xinhua
2004, 26(3): 344-348.
Abstract PDF
A study on the mechanism of toe-shooting method
QIAO Jiyan, DING Hua, ZHENG Zhemin
2004, 26(3): 349-352.
Abstract PDF
Dimension effect on low strain integrity testing of prestressed pipe piles
CHEN Fan, LUO Wenzhang
2004, 26(3): 353-356.
Abstract PDF
New composite foundation model for portland cement concrete pavement
TIAN Bo, NIU Kaimin
2004, 26(3): 357-360.
Abstract PDF
Three dimensional nonlinear seismic stability analysis of abutment jointed rock mass of high arch dam
SONG Zhanping, LI Ning, CHEN Feixiong
2004, 26(3): 361-366.
Abstract PDF
Investigation on the constitutive relationship and equation of state for rock salt under impact loading
WU Wen, XU Songlin, YANG Chunhe, BAI Shiwei, ZHENG Fajin
2004, 26(3): 367-372.
Abstract PDF
A study on 3D modeling techniques and visual system of rock mass structure
XU Nengxiong, HE Manchao, JING Haihe
2004, 26(3): 373-377.
Abstract PDF
Application of Rosenblueth method in evaluating stability reliability of anchor-shotcrete net support system for soft-fractrue surrounding rock
SU Yonghua, HE Manchao, GAO Qian
2004, 26(3): 378-382.
Abstract PDF
Researches on calculation method of support and support-anchorage union to unstable rock
CHEN Hongkai, TANG Hongmei, LIU Guanghua, HU Ming, WU Sifei
2004, 26(3): 383-388.
Abstract PDF
Physical experiments on the formation mechanism of the deep-seated fracture at abutment slope of a southwest hydropower station
WANG Xiaoqun, WANG Lansheng, XU Jin
2004, 26(3): 389-392.
Abstract PDF
Researches on application of electrical resistivity indices to the microstructure of expansive soils
YU Xiaojun, LIU Songyu
2004, 26(3): 393-396.
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Coupled fluid-mechanical analysis of Xiamen subsea tunnel
LI Tingchun, LI Shucai, CHEN Weizhong, QIU Xiangbo
2004, 26(3): 397-401.
Abstract PDF
Instability study on thaw slumping in permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
NIU Fujun, CHENG Guodong, LAI Yuanming, JIN Dewu
2004, 26(3): 402-406.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation on soil liquefaction occurred at Taliao Main Depot of Kaohsiung MRT systems in Taiwan
TSAI Kuang jung, LIAW Huang ching, CHU Wen pin, WU Huang chi
2004, 26(3): 407-411.
Abstract PDF
Upheaval deformations of ground induced by expansive soils and application to site assessment
Omer E. M. FADOL, ZHANG Ke xu
2004, 26(3): 412-415.
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Settlement prediction methods considering creep
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2004, 26(3): 416-418.
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Field study of a composite road foundation with low strength piles under embankment
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2004, 26(3): 419-421.
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A study on strength and deformation of expansive soils
2004, 26(3): 422-424.
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Experiments on rupture propagation of active faults in soil
2004, 26(3): 425-427.
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Unified load-settlement solution of single piles based on bilinear load transfer
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2004, 26(3): 428-431.
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A study on load transfer mechanism of stiffened DCM pile
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2004, 26(3): 432-434.
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