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Performance of high concrete face rockfill dams in China and its inspiration
LI Neng-hui
2011, 33(2): 165.
Abstract PDF
Deformation and strength characteristics of geogrid-reinforced soil retaining wall under change of loading rate and its FEM simulation
PENG Fang-le, LI Fu-lin, HIRAKAWA Daiki, TATSUOKA Fumio
2011, 33(2): 174.
Abstract PDF
Analytical solution for consolidation of composite ground considering lateral deformations of column and surrounding soil
LU Meng-meng, XIE Kang-he, LI Chuan-xun, TONG Lei
2011, 33(2): 181.
Abstract PDF
Pore water pressure increment model for saturated Nanjing fine sand subjected to cyclic loading
WANG Bing-hui, CHEN Guo-xing
2011, 33(2): 188.
Abstract PDF
Simulation of high-speed train load by dynamic triaxial tests
HUANG Bo, DING Hao, CHEN Yun-min
2011, 33(2): 195.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on pore pressure of saturated soils and bearing capacity of piles driven by high-frequency hydraulic vibrator
DENG Jun-jie, CHEN Long-zhu, XING Ai-guo, SONG Chun-yu
2011, 33(2): 203.
Abstract PDF
Development of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant
JIANG Ming-jing, LI Li-qing
2011, 33(2): 209.
Abstract PDF
Modelling of developing course of piping with time
JIE Yu-xin, DONG Wei-jie, FU Xu-dong, LI Guang-xin, ZHOU Xiao-jie
2011, 33(2): 215.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on association of macro and micro mechanical behaviors of sand under monotonic loading
LIU Wen-bai, LI Ye-xun, CAO Liang
2011, 33(2): 220.
Abstract PDF
Robust reliability analysis for underground structures based on Info-Gap theory
SU Yong-hua, LI Xiang
2011, 33(2): 227.
Abstract PDF
Ground vibration induced by trains moving on saturated ground using 2.5D FEM
GAO Guang-yun, HE Jun-feng, YANG Cheng-bin, ZHAO Yuan-yi
2011, 33(2): 234.
Abstract PDF
Axisymmetric Biot's consolidation of multi-layered soils with anisotropic permeability
AI Zhi-yong, ZENG Wen-ze
2011, 33(2): 242.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on influence of pit dewatering on soil deformation at different locations below excavation base
ZHENG Gang, WEI Shao-wei
2011, 33(2): 247.
Abstract PDF
Jacking technology and monitoring during tunneling under existing metro structures
LI Xing-gao, SUN He-chuan, ZHANG Jian-quan
2011, 33(2): 253.
Abstract PDF
Physical and mechanical characteristics of limestone after high temperature
WU Gang, TENG Nian-guan, WANG Yu
2011, 33(2): 259.
Abstract PDF
Physical model for deformation-failure evolution of double gob-side entry
HOU Sheng-quan, JING Hong-wen, YANG Da-lin
2011, 33(2): 265.
Abstract PDF
Monitoring and analysis of north anchorage caisson of Fourth Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
MU Bao-gang, ZHU Jian-min, NIU Ya-zhou
2011, 33(2): 269.
Abstract PDF
Scope of strength reduction for inhomogeneous slopes
XUE Lei, SUN Qiang, QIN Si-qing, LIU Han-dong, HUANG Xin
2011, 33(2): 275.
Abstract PDF
Test methods for laboratory foundation bed coefficient
CHEN Ding-an, MAO Jia-feng
2011, 33(2): 281.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on influence of particle roughness on shear wave velocity of sand
LIU Yu, XIA Tang-dai
2011, 33(2): 285.
Abstract PDF
Measuring techniques for hollow inclusion triaxial strain cells
LIU Yun-fang, YIN Jian-min, LIU Yuan-kun
2011, 33(2): 291.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modeling of air-sparging technique for groundwater remediation
HU Li-ming, LIU Yan, DU Jian-ting, WU Xiao-feng, LIU Pei-bin
2011, 33(2): 297.
Abstract PDF
Large strain consolidation of soft ground with vertical drains
JIANG Hui-huang, ZHAO You-ming, LIU Guo-nan, ZHAO Wei-bing
2011, 33(2): 302.
Abstract PDF
Solutions for laterally loaded single pile by nonlinear subgrade reaction method
ZHANG Lei, GONG Xiao-nan, YU Jian-lin
2011, 33(2): 309.
Abstract PDF
Some problems about principle of effective stress
LI Guang-xin
2011, 33(2): 315.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on“Calculation and analysis of upper limit solution of ultimate bearing capacity of sloping ground”
CAI Jiang-dong, ZHOU Guo-qin
2011, 33(2): 321.
Abstract PDF
Reply to the discussion on “Calculation and analysis of upper limit solution of ultimate bearing capacity of sloping ground”
YU Xue-yong, WANG Xiao-mou, HUAI Chao
2011, 33(2): 323.
Abstract PDF