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Physical treating techniques of highway embankments filled with expansive soils
YANG Heping, ZHANG Gaofeng, ZHENG Jianlong, ZHAO Pengcheng, HE Yingxi
2009, 31(4): 491-500.
Abstract PDF
Experimental and numerical analysis of jacked piles during installation in sand
ZHOU Jian, DENG Yibing, YE Jianzhong, JIA Mincai
2009, 31(4): 501-507.
Abstract PDF
Finite element method for computations of active earth pressures acting on L-shaped retaining walls with reduced friction coefficients of base bottoms
DAI Zihang, LIN Zhiyong, ZHENG Yeping, LU Caijin
2009, 31(4): 508-514.
Abstract PDF
Robust optimization design of anti-slide piles with prestressed anchor cables
FENG Yuguo, WANG Weiming, LIU Junxi
2009, 31(4): 515-520.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic behaviors of SSDI system based on nonlinearity of soil in site
HE Yibin, XIA Dongzhou, YAN Yan, LIU Jianhua
2009, 31(4): 521-527.
Abstract PDF
Creep experiment and theoretical model of gas-containing coal
YIN Guangzhi, ZHANG Dongming, HE Xunjun
2009, 31(4): 528-532.
Abstract PDF
Particle breakage of coarse-grained materials in triaxial tests
WEI Song, ZHU Jungao, QIAN Qihu, LI Fan
2009, 31(4): 533-538.
Abstract PDF
Modified stiffness approach to predict deformation of building induced by tunnelling
HAN Xuan, J. R. St, ing
2009, 31(4): 539-545.
Abstract PDF
Elasto-plastic constitutive model of sand considering initial anisotropy and its verification through experiments
XU Chengshun, LUAN Maotian, GUO Ying, ZHANG Zhendong
2009, 31(4): 546-551.
Abstract PDF
Fold catastrophe model of rock dynamic destabilization
ZHANG Liming, WANG Zaiquan, ZHANG Xiaojuan, WANG Zhiqiang
2009, 31(4): 552-557.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on coal wastes in Chongqing
ZANG Yajun, LIU Dongyan, PENG Wenxuan, JIANG Kefeng
2009, 31(4): 558-563.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of 3D FEM for soft foundation improved by vacuum preloading
CHEN Pingshan, FANG Yingguang, MO Haihong, ZHANG Gongxin, DONG Zhiliang
2009, 31(4): 564-570.
Abstract PDF
Several key problems in tunnel construction monitoring with FBG
WEI Guangqing, SHI Bin, HU Sheng, LI Ke, YIN Jianhua
2009, 31(4): 571-576.
Abstract PDF
Study on potential sliding direction in slope stability analysis based on vector sum method
GUO Mingwei, GE Xiurun, LI Chunguang, WANG Shuilin, LIU Yanzhang
2009, 31(4): 577-583.
Abstract PDF
Compartmentation cavability evaluation model of ore body
FENG Xinlong, WANG Liguan, BI Lin
2009, 31(4): 584-588.
Abstract PDF
Influence of rainfall infiltration on slopes by physical model test
LI Huanqiang, SUN Hongyue, SUN Xinmin, SHANG Yuequan
2009, 31(4): 589-594.
Abstract PDF
Modified calculation method of p-y curves for liquefied soil-pile interaction
LI Yurun, YUAN Xiaoming, LIANG Yan
2009, 31(4): 595-599.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on response of existing tunnels due to adjacent tunneling in multi-layered soils
ZHANG Zhiguo, HUANG Maosong, WANG Weidong
2009, 31(4): 600-608.
Abstract PDF
In-situ vibration tests on liquefaction of silt in estuary of the Yellow River
CHANG Fangqiang, JIA Yonggang, GUO Xiujun, MENG Qingsheng, WANG Xiuhai
2009, 31(4): 609-616.
Abstract PDF
Model tests on negative skin friction for inclined pile considering time effect
KONG Gangqiang, YANG Qing, ZHENG Pengyi, LUAN Maotian
2009, 31(4): 617-621.
Abstract PDF
Finite element analysis for earth pressure on bucket foundation of breakwater
WANG Yuanzhan, XIAO Zhong, LI Yuanyin, XIE Shanwen
2009, 31(4): 622-627.
Abstract PDF
Comparative tests on section steel and steel grid for loess tunnels with large section
TAN Zhongsheng, YU Yu, WANG Mingnian, WANG Mengshu
2009, 31(4): 628-633.
Abstract PDF
Back analysis of Duncan-Chang nonlinear foundation model
HE Chunbao, SHEN Jianhua, CAI Jian, CHEN Cunen
2009, 31(4): 634-638.
Abstract PDF
Field measurement study on deformation and destruction of "three-soft" coal seam floor of Chaohua Coal Mine
ZHU Shuyun, JU Yuanjiang, ZHAO Zhenzhong, LIU Deqian
2009, 31(4): 639-642.
Abstract PDF
Stochastic finite element analysis of surrounding rock and lining of tunnels under external water pressure
DING Hao, JIANG Shuping, YANG Linde
2009, 31(4): 643-647.
Abstract PDF
Risk assessment of deep excavation during construction based on fuzzy theory
LAN Shouqi, ZHANG Qinghe
2009, 31(4): 648-652.
Abstract PDF