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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊

Dam safety and risk management in China and its strategic consideration
LI Lei, CAI Yuebo, SHENG Jinbao
2008, 30(11): 1581-1587.
Abstract PDF
Deterioration of rockfill and its effect on safe operation of dams
MI Zhankuan, LI Guoying
2008, 30(11): 1588-1593.
Abstract PDF
Influence of uncertainty of strength parameters on instability probability of embankment dam slopes
CHEN Qun, TANG Min, ZHU Fenqing
2008, 30(11): 1594-1599.
Abstract PDF
Stability model of tailing dams based on fuzzy random reliability
WANG Feiyue, XU Zhisheng, DONG Longjun
2008, 30(11): 1600-1605.
Abstract PDF
Development and application of real-time safety evaluation software system for embankment dams
WANG Zhaosheng, LIU Hanlong, ZHANG Shichen
2008, 30(11): 1606-1609.
Abstract PDF
Self-immunity of dam concrete to alkali-aggregate reaction
CAI Yuebo, DING Jiantong, BAI Yin
2008, 30(11): 1610-1613.
Abstract PDF
Key technology for dam heightening of Songyue RCC dam
LU Yihui, XIA Shifa, YUE Yuezhen, ZHANG Jiahong
2008, 30(11): 1614-1619.
Abstract PDF
Investigation and analysis of failure mechanism of reinforced dams
SHENG Jinbao, LIU Jiaxin, ZHANG Shichen, XIANG Yan, YANG Zhenghua
2008, 30(11): 1620-1625.
Abstract PDF
Laws of dam failures of small-sized reservoirs and countermeasures
JIANG Jinping, YANG Zhenghua
2008, 30(11): 1626-1631.
Abstract PDF
Time-varying effect of stochastic factors on flood safety of dams and their quantitative evaluation methods
FAN Ziwu, JIANG Shuhai, LI Yunhui
2008, 30(11): 1632-1636.
Abstract PDF
Behaviour model for dam displacement derived by an evolutionary algorithm
Radu Popa, Bogdan Popa, Liana Vuta
2008, 30(11): 1637-1642.
Abstract PDF
Dam modification designs for raising reservoir water level——case study of Tsengwen dam in Taiwan
YANG Feng-jung, LIEN Shang-yao, HO Ta-fu, HUANG Chung-ren, CHEN Kun-chuan
2008, 30(11): 1643-1650.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on monitoring and deformation aspects of concrete face rockfill dam
Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski, DENG Nian-wu
2008, 30(11): 1651-1656.
Abstract PDF
Control of seepage in earth dams with a vertical drain
Abdelkader Djehiche, Konstantin Kotchev
2008, 30(11): 1657-1660.
Abstract PDF
Inspection of dams after earthquakes
Martin Wieland, Norihiso Matsumoto, Ian Landon-Jones, Donald Babbitt
2008, 30(11): 1661-1668.
Abstract PDF
Seismic upgrade of Coquitlam Dam
2008, 30(11): 1669-1678.
Abstract PDF
Earthquake safety of small dams
Martin Wiel
2008, 30(11): 1679-1682.
Abstract PDF
Inspection and reliability assessment for Gandjelas concrete gravity dam
2008, 30(11): 1683-1691.
Abstract PDF
Life-span of concrete and embankment dams and economic benefits of dam safety projects
Martin Wieland, R.Peter Brenner
2008, 30(11): 1692-1698.
Abstract PDF
Use of fusegates for improving dam safety
Sébastien Lacroix
2008, 30(11): 1699-1706.
Abstract PDF
Case study of spillway modifications——a means to a higher level of dam safety
James Yang, Karin Hellstadius, Malte Cederstr m
2008, 30(11): 1707-1712.
Abstract PDF
Introduction to status quo of small dam safety management
Joo Francisco Alves Silveira
2008, 30(11): 1713-1721.
Abstract PDF
Back analysis of dam mechanical parameters based on least squares support vector machine
LI Bo, XU Baosong, WU Jinkun, HU Jiang, XU Guanglei
2008, 30(11): 1722-1725.
Abstract PDF
Application of wild value diagnosis technique in dam safety monitoring data analysis
LIU Chengdong, MA Fuheng, DAI Qun
2008, 30(11): 1726-1728.
Abstract PDF
Effectiveness evaluation of emergency plans for dam break
CHENG Cuiyun, QIAN Xin, YANG Jue, LI Lei, WAN Yuqiu, YANG Meng
2008, 30(11): 1729-1733.
Abstract PDF
Risk early-warning index system for earth and rockfill dams
MA Fuheng, HE Xinwang, WU Guangyao
2008, 30(11): 1734-1737.
Abstract PDF
Scale optimization of water and soil conservation measures based on rational allocation of water resources
HE Changgao, DONG Zengchuan, CHEN Weibin, SHI Jingyuan
2008, 30(11): 1738-1742.
Abstract PDF
A simple and new approach of reproducing inflow flood hydrograph of reservoirs
FANG Chonghui, GUO Shenglian, DUAN Yahui, YANG Xinming
2008, 30(11): 1743-1747.
Abstract PDF
Forecast model of reservoir inflow based on DEM and its system development
XU Qin, REN Liliang, LIU Jiufu, YANG Bang, LIU Xiaofan
2008, 30(11): 1748-1751.
Abstract PDF
Assessment on social and environmental impacts of dam break
HE Xiaoyan, SUN D, an
2008, 30(11): 1752-1757.
Abstract PDF
Impacts on ecological environment due to dam removal or decommissioning
XIANG Yan, SHENG Jinbao, YANG Meng, ZHANG Shichen, YANG Zhenghua
2008, 30(11): 1758-1764.
Abstract PDF
Impact analysis of reservoir retirement:macro-processes and final effects
CHENG Weishuai, LIU Dan
2008, 30(11): 1765-1770.
Abstract PDF