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Advanced suction control techniques for testing unsaturated soils
2006, 28(2): 123-128.
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Relationship between unsaturated soil behavior and engineering problems
BAO Chenggang, ZHAN Liangtong
2006, 28(2): 129-136.
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Constitutive relations and deformation calculation for unsaturated soils
YIN Zongze, ZHOU Jian, CHIU C F, YUAN Junping, ZHANG Kunyong
2006, 28(2): 137-146.
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Recent advances of the measuring technology for unsaturated soils and special soils
CHEN Zhenghan, SUN Shuguo, FANG Xiangwei, ZHOU Haiqing, XIE Yun
2006, 28(2): 147-169.
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Consideration of some fundamental viewpoints in studying effective stress of unsaturated soils
XIE Dingyi, FEN Zhiyan
2006, 28(2): 170-173.
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Analytical model for the progressive deformation of natural fissured slopes
ZHOU Cheng, CAI Zhengyin, XIE Heping
2006, 28(2): 174-178.
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Effects of material stratification on the seepage field in a rockfill dam
CHEN Qun, ZHANG Limin, ZHU Fenqing
2006, 28(2): 179-183.
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One-dimensional consolidation model for landfills considering solid-liquid-gas interaction
CHEN Yunmin, XIE Yan, ZHAN Liangtong
2006, 28(2): 184-190.
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Measurement of water content of unsaturated soil by TDR technique
LIANG Zhigang, CHEN Yunmin, CHEN Yun
2006, 28(2): 191-195.
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Experimental study on mechanical behavior of recompacted unsaturated expansive clay
ZHAN Liangtong, NG C W W
2006, 28(2): 196-201.
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Stability analysis of soil slopes subjected to unsaturated transient seepage
HUANG Maosong, JIA Cangqin
2006, 28(2): 202-206.
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Test on suction and strength of expansive soil in a desorption-absorption cycle of moisture
GONG Biwei, ZHOU Xiaowen, ZHOU Wuhua
2006, 28(2): 207-209.
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Effects of fissures on stability of unsaturated soil slope
CHEN Tielin, DENG Gang, CHEN Shengshui, SHEN Zhujiang
2006, 28(2): 210-215.
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Definition and exploration for effective stress and related conception in unsaturated soil
TANG Liansheng, YAN Bo, ZHANG Pengcheng, ZHANG Qinghua
2006, 28(2): 216-220.
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Numerical analysis of transport of landfill pollutants in unsaturated soil layer
ZHANG Jinli, LUAN Maotian, YANG Qing
2006, 28(2): 221-224.
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Resilient modulus of unsaturated cohesive subgrade soils
YANG Shurong, KUNG Johnson H S, HUANG Weihsing, LIN Horn da
2006, 28(2): 225-229.
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Numerical model of three dimensional saturated-unsaturated flow for a flyash lagoon of thermal power plant
DING Jiaping, XU Hui, GU Guoxing, LI Qinming, WANG Fuqing
2006, 28(2): 230-234.
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Some fundamental problems of unsaturated seepage
ZHU Wei, CHENG Nanjun, CHEN Xuedong, CHIU C F
2006, 28(2): 235-240.
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Numerical simulation of crack formation due to desiccation in clay surface
DENG Gang, SHEN Zhujiang, YANG Daiquan
2006, 28(2): 241-248.
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Laboratory TDR monitoring of physico-chemical process in lime kiln dust stabilized clayey soils
2006, 28(2): 249-255.
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Exploitation of practical use of unsaturated soil mechanics
SHEN Zhujiang
2006, 28(2): 256-259.
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Lab experimental study on soil-water characteristics of Shanghai soft clay
YE Weimin, BAI Yun, JIN Qi, CHEN Bao, CUI Yunjun
2006, 28(2): 260-263.
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Compressibility and consolidation of unsaturated soils with high degree of saturation and its application
WEI Haiyun, ZHAN Liangtong, CHEN Yunmin
2006, 28(2): 264-269.
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Centrifuge modeling for instability of excavated slope in expansive soil due to water infiltration
XU Guangming, WANG Guoli, GU Xingwen, ZENG Youjin
2006, 28(2): 270-273.
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Test on strength of unsaturated remolded expansive soils
MIAO Linchang, CUI Ying, CHEN Kejun, JING Fei
2006, 28(2): 274-276.
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Migration behavior of heavy metal and LNAPLs in unsaturated soils
ZHANG Jianhong, HU Liming
2006, 28(2): 277-280.
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