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Generalized stress-strain relationship of binary medium model for geological materials
SHEN Zhujiang, LIU Enlong, CHEN Tielin
2005, 27(5): 489-494.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical study and physical modeling on ‘Principle of Maximum’in slope stability analysis
CHEN Zuyu, WANG Xiaogang, XING Yichuan, HAN Lianbing, LIANG Jianhui, XING Jianyin
2005, 27(5): 495-499.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on reducing-load measurement using EPS of culvert under high-stacked soil
GU Anquan, GUO Tingting, WANG Xingping
2005, 27(5): 500-504.
Abstract PDF
Crushable effects on engineering mechanical properties of colliery wastes
LIU Songyu, TONG Liyuan, QIU Yu, MIAO Linchang
2005, 27(5): 505-510.
Abstract PDF
Distribution of regional soils in China and formation of their special geotechnical properties
GAO Guorui, HAN Aimin
2005, 27(5): 511-515.
Abstract PDF
Monotonic and cyclic constitutive law of interface between structure and coarse grained soil
2005, 27(5): 516-520.
Abstract PDF
Simplified analysis for consolidation of gravel-pile composite foundation
XING Haofeng, GONG Xiaonan, YANG Xiaojun
2005, 27(5): 521-524.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of lateral deformation of rock specimen in plane strain compression
WANG Xuebin
2005, 27(5): 525-530.
Abstract PDF
Torsional response of single pile embedded in layered ground
CHEN Shengli, ZHANG Limin
2005, 27(5): 531-535.
Abstract PDF
Study on fractal feature in the process of deformation failure for floor strata
WANG Lianguo, MIAO Xiexing, SONG Yang
2005, 27(5): 536-539.
Abstract PDF
Comprehensive analysis on influencing factors of bearing capacity of large diameter pile foundation for red bed in West Yunnan
FENG Zhongju, XIE Yongli, ZHANG Hongguang, Qiu Yuliang
2005, 27(5): 540-544.
Abstract PDF
Reliability of self-balanced test method for determining bearing capacity of piles
WU Peng, GONG Weiming, LIANG Shuting
2005, 27(5): 545-548.
Abstract PDF
Structural disfiguration in heat-roller-pressed composite geomembrane
LIU Rangtong, ZHANG Zaixing
2005, 27(5): 549-553.
Abstract PDF
Nonlinear displacement back-analysis for deep excavation based on radial basis neural network
DENG Zisheng
2005, 27(5): 554-557.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on time dependent properties of rock salt
GAO Xiaoping, YANG Chunhe, WU Wen
2005, 27(5): 558-561.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of mechanism of Vetiveria zizanioides-hinge jointed concrete bank protection system
CHENG Longfei, SUN Shulin, PEI Hongjun
2005, 27(5): 562-566.
Abstract PDF
Selection of strengthening medium for archaelogical site of Hongshan Culture at Niuheliang, Liaoning Province
ZHOU Shuanglin, WANG Xueying, HU Yuan, HUANG Kezhong
2005, 27(5): 567-570.
Abstract PDF
Development and application of biodegradation-compression test apparatus for municipal solid waste
XIE Yan, CHEN Yunmin, TANG Xiaowu, KE Han, ZHAN Liangtong
2005, 27(5): 571-576.
Abstract PDF
Stability analysis of environmental protection structure on exit of tunnel
JIANG Shuping, LIU Yuanxue, HUANG Lunhai, CHAI Hejun, TANG Shuming
2005, 27(5): 577-581.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on electro-osmotic consolidation of soft clay using EKG electrodes
HU Yuchen, WANG Zhao, ZHUANG Yanfeng
2005, 27(5): 582-586.
Abstract PDF
Mechanics and practice of combined supporting technology of 3D anchor-cable and unloading technology of wall of roadway
GAO Mingshi, ZHANG Nong, GUO Chunsheng, DOU Linming
2005, 27(5): 587-590.
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Laboratory investigation of permeability characteristics of Xiaoshan clay
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2005, 27(5): 591-594.
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GA-based generalized slope stability analysis method
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2005, 27(5): 595-599.
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Deformation and bearing capacity of composite foundation with cement-soil mixed piles
2005, 27(5): 600-603.
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Experimental studies on grouting quality examination of gob of coalmine
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2005, 27(5): 604-606.
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Application of information fusion in slope monitoring and prediction system
2005, 27(5): 607-610.
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