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Limit analysis for the classic problems of soil mechanics
2002, 24(1): 1-11.
Abstract PDF
A non-linear mechanical model for analysis of granular contact geomaterials
ZHANG Hongwu
2002, 24(1): 12-15.
Abstract PDF
A practical 3D elasto-plastic incremental method in FEM based on D-P yield criteria
YANG Qiang, CHEN Xin, ZHOU Weiyuan
2002, 24(1): 16-20.
Abstract PDF
A homogenization approach to localized deformation in saturated soils
HUANG Maosong, QIAN Jiangu, WU Shiming
2002, 24(1): 21-25.
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An analysis of axisymmetric consolidation for transversely isotropic saturated soils
CHEN Shengli, ZHANG Jianmin
2002, 24(1): 26-30.
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Finite layer analysis of three dimensional Biot consolidation
ZAI Jinmin, MEI Guoxiong
2002, 24(1): 31-33.
Abstract PDF
A simplified method for vibration analysis of layered visco-elastic foundation
JI Yigong, WANG Fuming, LUAN Maotian
2002, 24(1): 34-37.
Abstract PDF
Study on deformation of ground under high fill of block and detritus
XIE Chunqing, LIU Hanchao, GAN Houyi
2002, 24(1): 38-41.
Abstract PDF
Bifurcation analyses of finite/large deformation for a marble
XU Songlin, WU Wen, ZHANG Qihua, ZHANG Hua
2002, 24(1): 42-46.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on volume-contraction of soil under unloading and examination of its mechanism
LI Guangxin, WU Shifeng
2002, 24(1): 47-50.
Abstract PDF
Vertical bearing capacity of rock-socketed piles
CHEN Bin, ZHOU Jiashou, WU Tianshou
2002, 24(1): 51-55.
Abstract PDF
The analysis and suggestion of load test of rock-socketed pile under Human bridge
WU Wu, WU Hengli, YANG Zudun
2002, 24(1): 56-60.
Abstract PDF
Creep damage effects of pulling grouting anchor in soil
XU Hongfa, LU Hongbiao, QIAN Qihu
2002, 24(1): 61-63.
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Analysis for soil nailing in Shijiazhuang
WANG Changke, CHEN Xiaofeng, MIAO Xianguo
2002, 24(1): 64-68.
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Application of fracture mechanics of frozen soil to retaining wall stability analysis
LI Hongsheng, LIU Zengli, ZHU Yuanlin
2002, 24(1): 69-71.
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Analysis of the model test of cylindrical wharf structure with large diameter
CHEN Fuquan, GONG Xiaonan, ZHU Chunhong
2002, 24(1): 72-75.
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Properties and reaction mechanism of dolomite limestone-water glass grout
YIN Suhong, WEN Ziyun
2002, 24(1): 76-80.
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Displacement-controlled method in finite element analysis and its applications
ZHENG Hong, C. F. Lee, L. G. Tham, Ge Xiurun
2002, 24(1): 81-85.
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Improved hierarchy model of treatment decision of slope and its application
XIE Quanmin, XIA Yuanyou
2002, 24(1): 86-88.
Abstract PDF
Back analysis on staged construction in transversely isotropic viscoelastic soil and its application to geotechnical engineering
LIU Xuezeng, ZHU Hehua
2002, 24(1): 89-92.
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An new algorithm for identification of geomaterial model based on an ecological competition model
GAO Wei, ZHENG Yingren
2002, 24(1): 93-97.
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Study on deformation localization of rock by white light digital speckle correlation method
PAN Yishan, YANG Xiaobin, MA Shaopeng
2002, 24(1): 98-100.
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