岩土类材料的统一强度理论及其应用 English Version
Unified Strength Theory for Geomaterials and lts Applications
摘要: 岩土类材料的强度理论是土木、水利、铁道、矿业等工程中的一个重要的基本问题。以往各种强度理论一般只适用于某一类特定的材料。本文对材料强度理论不作任何假设(如外凸性等),直接根据材料单向拉伸和单向压缩强度极限(也可用岩土工程中常用的材料强度参数C_0和φ),从一个统一的单元体模型出发,考虑所有应力分量以及它们对材料破坏的不同影响,建立一个能够适用于各类材料的统一强度理论和统一形式的数学表达式。它包含了现有各种主要强度理论和一些尚未表达过的新的强度理论。按统一强度理论表达式得出的两大族8种强度准则可以适用于各种岩土类材料,并可由此蜕化得出两族适用于金属材料的统一形式屈服准则。Abstract: Strength(failure)theory for geomaterials is an important and essential problem in civil,hy-draulic,mining,railway and highway engineering et al. Each one of present strength theories or failurecriteria can be adapted for only one kind of material. There is much need of a unified strength theorywhich can be adapted for all Kinds of materials,and also need to establish the relationships betweenvarious strength theories. Based on the unified model of twin shear element,and taking accout of allstress components acted on the twin shear element and their different influences on failure of materials,an unified strength theory and unified mathematical expressions are presented in this paper.This newtheory may be referred as twin shear unified strength theory or simplified as unified strength theory.Itcan also be expressed identically in terms of the cohesion parameter C0 and internal-friction angle φ ofthe materials. It establishes the relationships between various strentth theories,It can be adapted formany kinds of geomaterials and other materials.Those well-known strength theories,yield criteria,andsmooth empiric criteria are the special cases and linear approximations of the twin shear unifiedstrength theory.