Application of ANFIS-based approach for back analysis of displacements in Xiangxi gold mine
Graphical Abstract
The ANFIS-based approach for back analysis of displacements was used to determine the mechanical parameters of the rock mass surrounding the stopes in block 244 in Xiangxi gold mine.The mechanical parameters were then used to compute,by numerical method,the displacements of the rock mass surrounding every stope in the block.Simultaneously,the displacements of the rock mass were monitored.Comparison was made between the simulated and monitored displacements and an analysis was also made on the stability of the rock mass surrounding stopes in the block.It was shown that the simulated displacements were in good agreement with those monitored displacements and both of them were smaller than the allowable displacement,that the numerical model based on the back-analyed results was capable of predicting the displacements of the surrounding rock mass and the ANFIS-based approach was applicable to rock engineering problems.