Seismic responses of underground structures based on centrifuge shaking table test in liquefiable site
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the effects of site liquefaction on the seismic responses of underground structures, the centrifuge shaking table tests under liquefiable site conditions are carried out. The seismic response laws of underground structures in liquefiable site are obtained. The attenuation degree of soil stiffness under different liquefaction degrees of the site is obtained by using the Pushover analysis method. The conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) The peak total strain responses of the sidewalls and plates of the model structures are within the elastic range under the four loading conditions. The strains of the center column just exceed the elastic strain limit of concrete under large earthquakes, with a low level of damage. The underground structures conforming to the existing codes exhibit good seismic performance. (2) The inter-story drifts of the structures in the liquefiable site are attenuated by 63%~76% compared with those in the site at the structural equivalent height under the four loading conditions. (3) From the horizontal displacement of the site and the displacement attenuation ratio of the soil-structure system, although the liquefaction of the saturated sandy soil layer will lead to a larger horizontal displacement of the site, the reduction of the soil-structure stiffness ratio caused by the liquefaction of the site will still avoid the structures from experiencing a larger inter-story drift and serious damage. (4) When applying the Pushover analysis method to simplify the analysis of underground structures in liquefiable sites, the most unfavorable conditions should be considered, and the soil modulus can be discounted to 3% of the initial modulus for calculation.