Experimental study on bearing capacity of plate anchor in clay under repeated loading
Graphical Abstract
Floating structure is an important structure form in the development of far-reaching Marine resources. The anchor foundation connected with it by anchor chain is the key part to ensure its security and stability in place. Plate anchor is one of the common anchorage foundation forms at present, and it will be subjected to the repeated loading induced by wind, wave and current during its service. At present, the research conclusions on the bearing performance of plate anchors under repeated loading is inconsistent, and the bearing mechanism is not clear, which needs to be further carried out in-depth and systematic research. In this paper, a two-degree-of-freedom servo loading system was used to carry out a reciprocating drawing experiment on a plate anchor in saturated clay, and the influence of the median and amplitude of repeated loading on the bearing performance of plate anchor was studied. The results show that with the increase of median and amplitude of repeated loading, the bearing capacity of plate anchor first increases and then decreases. When the median and amplitude of repeated loading is 28%±18% of the monotonic ultimate pulling capacity, the bearing capacity of plate anchor increases the most, which is 10.44% higher than that of monotonic ultimate pulling capacity. When the repeated loading is 60%±18% of the monotonic ultimate pulling capacity, the soil mass is seriously damaged and the plate anchor loses its bearing capacity. According to the change of bearing capacity of plate anchor after repeated loading, it provides guidance for the safety evaluation of plate anchor during service.