Intelligent geotechnical engineering
Graphical Abstract
The fourth industrial revolution based on the core technologies of Internet of Things (IoT), modern communication, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) is an upgrading platform for many different research fields. The traditional geotechnical engineering has great opportunities and grand challenges in this new era. Integration of the geotechnical engineering, innovative information technology and computer science technology such as building information modelling (BIM), IoT, AI, deep learning and argument reality can be used to realize intelligent transformation of the traditional geotechnical engineering. The knowledge mapping of the intelligent geotechnical engineering is preliminarily established, and the relevant realization paths are investigated. The transformation method for the intelligent geotechnical engineering "3D geological modelling-IoT-deep learning-extended reality" based on the innovative technologies is depicted. 3D geological modelling using the fusion of BIM and the geographic information system, the technological frame of "end-edge-cloud-network" and the active risk control for geotechnical engineering (deep excavation engineering) based on the active servo-loading system are introduced. The application status of the IoT sensoring technology visual reality and argument reality in the geotechnical engineering is introduced. The key role of AI (deep learning) in the geotechnical engineering for monitoring and early warning is analyzed. The knowledge mapping of future development of the intelligent geotechnical engineering is proposed, providing advice and guidance for the relevant researchers in the geotechnical engineering.