Liquefaction behavior and mechanism of cement-stabilized loess
Graphical Abstract
Using modification treatment to reduce the liquefaction potential of saturated loess, on the basis of SEM tests and dynamic triaxial tests on the cement-stabilized loess with different proportions, the evolution laws of its dynamic residual strain and pore water pressure are obtained, and its physical and chemical mechanism are analyzed. In addition, the optimum proportion of the cement-stabilized loess is suggested based on the test results. The results show that the cement modification treatment leads to clotted cementation structure in the soil, which optimizes the pore distribution in the soil and increases the structural strength of the loess. The anti-liquefaction stability of the cement-stabilized loess foundation is improved by the compact effect of the cement to the soil, the cementation effect of loess structures caused by adding cement to increase fine particles and ion exchange and the adsorption effect of free water caused by the increase of clay in the soil. The dynamic residual strain and pore water pressure of the cement-stabilized loess increase slowly with the increase of vibration times when the cement content is larger than 3%. Their peak values are the smallest when the cement content is 5%, which shows that 5% is the optimum proportion of anti-liquefaction treatment for the cement-stabilized loess foundation.