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Failure mechanism of sludge pit and downstream waste slope of a MSW landfill
ZHAN Liang-tong, LUO Xiao-yong, GUAN Ren-qiu, ZENG Xing, LAN Ji-wu, CHEN Yun-min, LIN Wei-an
2013, 35(7): 1189-1196.
Abstract PDF
Analytical solution for 1D advection-diffusion-adsorption transport of landfill contaminants through a soil layer with finite thickness
ZHANG Wen-jie, HUANG Yi-yi, ZHANG Gai-ge
2013, 35(7): 1197-1201.
Abstract PDF
Lower bound FEM for limit aseismic capability of earth-rockfill dams
YANG Xin-guang, CHI Shi-chun
2013, 35(7): 1202-1209.
Abstract PDF
Dynamical response of vertically loaded pile in half-space of unsaturated porous media
WANG Xing-hua, ZHANG Min
2013, 35(7): 1210-1220.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on secondary consolidation considering structural strength of clay
LEI Hua-yang, ZHANG Wen-zhen, DING Xiao-dong, WANG Xue-chao, CHEN Li, HUANG Mao-song
2013, 35(7): 1221-1227.
Abstract PDF
Design and practice of settlement-reducing embankment piles for soft ground treatment under large-area surface heaped load
HUANG Shao-ming, YUE Jian-yong, HUANG Yu-ting
2013, 35(7): 1228-1238.
Abstract PDF
Time-domain integral method considering residual strain of soils under irregular loads and its application
RONG Mian-shui, LI Xiao-jun
2013, 35(7): 1239-1245.
Abstract PDF
Cyclic wetting and drying tests on heavy metal contaminated soils solidified/stabilized by cement
ZHA Fu-sheng, LIU Jing-jing, XU Long, CUI Ke-rui
2013, 35(7): 1246-1252.
Abstract PDF
Computational method for bearing capacity of upper geosynthetic-encased stone columns based on block limit equilibrium method
CHEN Chang-fu, WU Meng-ting
2013, 35(7): 1253-1260.
Abstract PDF
Centrifugal model tests on failure of silty slopes induced by change of water level
YANG Chun-bao, ZHU Bin, KONG Ling-gang, HAN Lian-bin, CHEN Yun-min
2013, 35(7): 1261-1271.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on modeling issues of Rayleigh damping matrix in soil layers with deep deposit
LOU Meng-lin, SHAO Xin-gang
2013, 35(7): 1272-1279.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of liquefaction potential of saturated sands based on piezocome penetration tests on resistivity
ZOU Hai-feng, LIU Song-yu, CAI Guo-jun, DU Guang-yin
2013, 35(7): 1280-1288.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on detecting cement mixing piles by static cone penetration tests in reserved hole
LI Guo-wei, JIANG Wei, WU Yu-cai, WEI Shu-hong, LUO Zeng-yi, DAI Jian
2013, 35(7): 1289-1296.
Abstract PDF
Thermodynamic constitutive model for non-isothermal consolidation and undrained shear behaviors of saturated soils
ZHANG Zhi-chao, CHENG Xiao-hui
2013, 35(7): 1297-1306.
Abstract PDF
Undrained dynamic behaviors of saturated clays under compressive stress paths considering cyclic confining pressure
GU Chuan, WANG Jun, CAI Yuan-qiang, WANG Peng
2013, 35(7): 1307-1315.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on silty soil modified by polymer materials under varying water environments
DONG Jin-mei, XU Hong zhong, ZHU Ding hua, BIAN Jiang, ZHU Hua
2013, 35(7): 1316-1322.
Abstract PDF
Design, researches and practices of impervious materials for core wall of Nuozhadu Hydropower Station
ZHANG Zong-liang, FENG Ye-lin, XIANG Biao, YUAN You-ren
2013, 35(7): 1323-1327.
Abstract PDF
Field performance of residual stresses in jacked PHC pipe piles in layered ground
KOU Hai-lei, ZHANG Ming-yi, BAI Xiao-yu
2013, 35(7): 1328-1336.
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional centrifuge modelling of the effects of twin tunnelling on existing pile group in expansive clay
MA Shao-kun, Lü Hu, Wong K S, NG C W W
2013, 35(7): 1337-1342.
Abstract PDF
Evolution laws of hysteresis loops of frozen soil under cyclic loading
JIAO Gui-de, ZHAO Shu-ping, MA Wei, LUO Fei, KONG Xiang-bing
2013, 35(7): 1343-1349.
Abstract PDF
Electric response tests on unsaturated layer thickness in course of seepage of sandstone
SUN Qiang, LIU Sheng-dong, JIANG Chun-lu, WANG Bo
2013, 35(7): 1350-1354.
Abstract PDF
Unsaturated-saturated seepage analysis for leachate recirculation using horizontal trenches in bioreactor landfills
FENG Shi-jin, ZHANG Xu
2013, 35(7): 1355-1361.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of mixed-mode Ⅰ-Ⅱ stress intensity factors of rock utilizing digital image correlation method
DAI Shu-hong, MA Sheng-li, PAN Yi-shan
2013, 35(7): 1362-1368.
Abstract PDF
Contact surface flaw model for segment joints of segmented tunnel lining
DONG Xin-ping
2013, 35(7): 1369-1374.
Abstract PDF
Improvement and application of flat dilatometer
LIU Xue-yan, ZHU Ding-hua, YUAN Da-jun
2013, 35(7): 1375-1380.
Abstract PDF