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Effects of loading direction on ultimate bearing capacity of suction anchors with taut mooring system
WANG Jian-hua, LIU Jing-lei, CHEN Wen-qiang
2012, 34(3): 385-391.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic centrifuge tests on macro-micro mechanism of liquefaction of saturated sandy foundation with buried structures
ZHOU Jian, CHEN Xiao-liang, JIA Min-cai, FENG Yuan-wei
2012, 34(3): 392-399.
Abstract PDF
Undrained strength characteristics of saturated undisturbed and remolded silty clay after cyclic loading
ZHENG Gang, HUO Hai-feng, LEI Hua-yang
2012, 34(3): 400-408.
Abstract PDF
Whole surface deformation measurement of triaxial soil specimen based on digital image processing
SHAO Long-tan, LIU Xiao, GUO Xiao-xia, HUANG Chuan, JU Peng, YANG Song, XUE Jie
2012, 34(3): 409-415.
Abstract PDF
Displacement-based aseismic design method for gravity retaining walls —— Large scale shaking table tests
ZHANG Jian-jing, HAN Peng-fei
2012, 34(3): 416-423.
Abstract PDF
Design and test verification of suspension multidirectional laminar shear model box
DU Xiu-li, LI Xia, CHEN Guo-xing, HUANG Hao-hua
2012, 34(3): 424-432.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic response of closely-attached intersecting underground subway structures under vertical strong ground motion
TAO Lian-jin, WANG Wen-pei, ZHANG Bo, BIAN Jin, LI Wen-bo
2012, 34(3): 433-456.
Abstract PDF
Discussion of fundamental principles in unsaturated soil mechanics
SHENG Dai-chao, YANG Chao
2012, 34(3): 438-470.
Abstract PDF
Applicability of transformation of ground motion records from non-rock site
WU Jian, YU Yan-xiang, YU Pei
2012, 34(3): 457-463.
Abstract PDF
Time-domain explicit finite element method for wave propagation of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media
LI Liang, ZHAI Wei, DU Xiu-li
2012, 34(3): 464-476.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism analysis of floor heave in Taoshuya tunnel and its prevention techniques
ZHONG Zu-liang, LIU Xin-rong, WANG Dao-liang, ZHENG Cheng-guo, HUANG Ming
2012, 34(3): 471-489.
Abstract PDF
Simulation and numerical analysis of impact failure law of coal roadway under rigid-flexible energy absorbing support
LÜ Xiang-feng, PAN Yi-shan
2012, 34(3): 477-482.
Abstract PDF
New evaluation formula for sand liquefaction based on survey of Bachu Earthquake in Xinjiang
LI Zhao-yan, YUAN Xiao-ming, CAO Zheng-zhong, SUN Rui, DONG Lin, SHI Jiang-hua
2012, 34(3): 483-437.
Abstract PDF
3D refined nonlinear analysis of seismic response characteristics of frame metro station under near-field strong ground motion of large earthquake
CHEN Lei, CHEN Guo-xing, MAO Kung-ming
2012, 34(3): 490-496.
Abstract PDF
Simulation and real-time control of whole construction progress of long-distance diversion tunnels under unfavorable geological condition s
HU Lian-xing, ZHONG Deng-hua, TONG Da-wei
2012, 34(3): 497-503.
Abstract PDF
Improvement of source spectrum model for synthesis of strong ground motion
TAO Xia-xin, CHEN Fu, SUN Xiao-dan
2012, 34(3): 504-507.
Abstract PDF
Comparison among some typical constitutive models for soils based on stress response envelopes
HUANG Wen-xiong, SHEN Jian
2012, 34(3): 508-515.
Abstract PDF
Elastic design theory of frozen soil wall based on interaction between frozen soil wall and surrounding rock
YANG Wei-hao, YANG Zhi-jiang, HAN Tao, ZHANG Chi, BO Dong-liang
2012, 34(3): 516-519.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modelling of effects of shield tunnels on existing tunnels in soft clay
HUANG De-zhong, MA Xian-feng, WANG Jun-song, LI Xiao-yun, YU Long
2012, 34(3): 520-527.
Abstract PDF
Fluid characteristics dependent on excess pore water pressure of saturated sand after growth of pore pressure
WANG Zhi-hua, ZHOU En-quan, CHEN Guo-xing
2012, 34(3): 528-533.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on dynamic deformation behaviors of water-rich sandy mudstone under cyclic loading
DING Zu-de, PENG Li-min, SHI Cheng-hua, LUO Jing, YANG Wei-chao
2012, 34(3): 534-539.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on permeability of soft rock of Beizao Coal Mine
SUN Qiang, JIANG Zhen-quan, ZHU Shu-yun
2012, 34(3): 540-545.
Abstract PDF
Typical case study of liquefaction-induced damage at Songbai village following Wenchuan Earthquake
CAO Zhen-zhong, LI Yu-rui, XU Xue-yan, T. Leslie Youd, YUAN Xiao-ming
2012, 34(3): 546-551.
Abstract PDF
Attenuation relationship of ground motion for Wenchuan Earthquake region based on NGA model
YU Tian, LI Xiao-jun
2012, 34(3): 552-558.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of Suzhou quaternary sedimentary soil
ZHAN Ji-yan, CHEN Guo-xing, YANG Wei-lin, HU Qing-xing
2012, 34(3): 559-566.
Abstract PDF
Visual analysis for grouting engineering of dam foundation based on 3D geological model
YAN Fu-gen, MIAO Zheng-jian, LI Ming-chao, ZHONG Deng-hua
2012, 34(3): 567-572.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on “Some problems about principle of effective stress”
FANG Yu-shu
2012, 34(3): 573-574.
Abstract PDF
Reply to discussion on “Some problems about principle of effective stress”
LI Guang-xin
2012, 34(3): 574-575.
Abstract PDF