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Connotation of deformation safety of high concrete face rockfill dams and its application
LI Neng-hui, WANG Jun-li, MI Zhan-kuan, LI Deng-hua
2012, 34(2): 193-201.
Abstract PDF
Improvement of analysis of free surface seepage problem by using initial flow method
PUN Su-loi, WANG Quan-feng, YU Jin
2012, 34(2): 202-209.
Abstract PDF
Improved risk matrix method of instability risk for excavations with cantilever retaining
CAO Wen-gui, ZHAI You-cheng, ZHANG Yong-jie
2012, 34(2): 210-216.
Abstract PDF
Computation method for long-term surface and subsurface settlements induced by excavation of tunnels in clays
YANG Min, HUANG Ju, SUN Qing, LIU Kan, ZENG Ying-jun
2012, 34(2): 217-221.
Abstract PDF
Fast inversion for advanced detection using induced polarization in tunnel
NIE Li-chao, LI Shu-cai, LIU Bin, LI Shu-chen, ZHONG Shi-hang
2012, 34(2): 222-229.
Abstract PDF
Upper bound solutions of ultimate bearing capacity of curved footing
HAN Chang-yu, XIA Xiao-he, WANG Jian-hua
2012, 34(2): 230-236.
Abstract PDF
Determination of anchorage depth for rigid anti-slide piles based on reliability analysis
WU Kun-ming, WANG Jian-guo, TAN Xiao-hui
2012, 34(2): 237-242.
Abstract PDF
Research of size effect on equivalent elastic modulus of columnar jointed rock mass
YAN Dong-xu, XU Wei-ya, WANG Wei, SHI Chong, SHI An-chi, WU Guan-ye
2012, 34(2): 243-250.
Abstract PDF
Shaking table tests on stabilizing piles of slopes under earthquakes
YE Hai-lin, ZHENG Ying-ren, LI An-hong, DU Xiu-li
2012, 34(2): 251-257.
Abstract PDF
Shaking table model tests on face-slab dislocation of concrete faced rock-fill dams under earthquakes
KONG Xian-jing, LIU Fu-hai, LIU Jun
2012, 34(2): 258-267.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on permeability of deep clay
JIANG Yu-kun, SUN Ru-hua
2012, 34(2): 268-273.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on entrapped air content in quasi-saturated soil subjected to steady ponded water infiltration
WU Zheng-guang, ZHANG Hua
2012, 34(2): 274-279.
Abstract PDF
Calculation and factors for distribution of initial distribution of peak value of excess pore water pressure due to shield construction
WEI Xin-jiang, CHEN Wei-jun, WEI Gang
2012, 34(2): 280-285.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on unsaturated creep characteristics of landslide soils
LAI Xiao-ling, YE Wei-min, WANG Shi-mei
2012, 34(2): 286-293.
Abstract PDF
Driving response of an open-ended PHC pipe pile group in silty fine sands
LEI Guo-hui, AI Ying-bo, HE Zhen-xing, SHI Jian-yong
2012, 34(2): 294-302.
Abstract PDF
Criteria for determining factor of safety of anchor against pull-out by using reliability analysis
WANG Yu-jie, XU Jia-cheng, WANG Xiao-gang, ZENG Qing-yi
2012, 34(2): 303-308.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of infiltration laws of grouts in random aperture based on multi-fractional Brownian motion
LUO Ping-ping, WANG Lan-fu, FAN Bo, ZHANG Fang
2012, 34(2): 309-316.
Abstract PDF
Computing maximum and minimum horizontal stresses in in-situ stress measurements
YAO Rui, YANG Shu-xin, LU Yuan-zhong, MI Qi, ZHEN Hong-wei
2012, 34(2): 317-325.
Abstract PDF
Reliability degree method for stability of surrounding rock of tunnels based on quadratic orthogonal experimental optimization
SU Yong-hua, LI Xiang, DING Yun, SUN Xiao-ming
2012, 34(2): 326-332.
Abstract PDF
Effects of vibration history on nonlinear shear modulus and damping ratio of sand
BAI Li-dong, XIANG Wei, Savidis A Stavros, Rackwitz Frank
2012, 34(2): 333-339.
Abstract PDF
Shaft deformation and failure due to rock mass movement induced by underground backfill mining of a metal mine
ZHAO Hai-jun, MA Feng-shan, XU Jia-mo, ZHANG Ya-min, GUO Jie
2012, 34(2): 340-348.
Abstract PDF
Application of fracturing algorithm of intermittent joints in stability of surrounding rock
WANG Hua-lao, XU Chong-bang, XIA Cai-chu
2012, 34(2): 349-354.
Abstract PDF
Experimental investigation of geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported embankment at bridge approach
ZHENG Jun-jie, ZHANG Jun, MA Qiang, DONG You-kou
2012, 34(2): 355-362.
Abstract PDF
Micro analysis of mechanical characteristics of deep clay under high stress level
SHANG Xiang-yu, YU Hai-sui, ZHOU Guo-qing, WANG Fei, LU Yong
2012, 34(2): 363-368.
Abstract PDF
Displacement at top of underground cavern reinforced by grouted bolts during site explosion resisting tests
MA Hai-chun, GU Jin-cai, ZHANG xiang-yang, XU Jing-mao, GAO Guang-fa
2012, 34(2): 369-372.
Abstract PDF
Model tests on end-bearing pile foundation by use of settlement adjustor
ZHOU Feng, GUO Liang, LIU Zhuang-zhi, WANG Xu-dong, WANG Ji-guo
2012, 34(2): 373-378.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on creep properties of two typical soft clays in coastal region of Tianjin
WANG Yuan-zhan, HUANG Dong-xu, XIAO Zhong
2012, 34(2): 379-380.
Abstract PDF