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Simplified analysis for interaction of single pile-soil-cap in generalized Gibson soil
WANG Xudong, LIU Yuyi, ZAI Jinmin, TANG Xiang
2008, 30(7): 953-958.
Abstract PDF
Creep tests of rockfill and double-yield surface creep model
WANG Haijun, YIN Zongze
2008, 30(7): 959-963.
Abstract PDF
Screening of plane S waves by a row of elastic piles in saturated soil
CAI Yuanqiang, DING Guangya, XU Changjie
2008, 30(7): 964-969.
Abstract PDF
Bearing capacity of rectangular footings on inhomogeneous foundation under combined loading
ZHANG Qiyi, LUAN Maotian, YUAN Fanfan, JIN Dan
2008, 30(7): 970-975.
Abstract PDF
Application of distributed fiber optic sensing techniques in bored pile detection
PIAO Chunde, SHI Bin, WEI Guangqing, ZHU Youqun, ZHANG Dan
2008, 30(7): 976-981.
Abstract PDF
Pressure on submarine pipelines under slowly sliding mud flows
WANG Lizhong, MIAO Chengzhang
2008, 30(7): 982-987.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on water level effect for dynamic compaction on reclaimed soils
CHEN Jingwen, CHEN Fucheng
2008, 30(7): 988-993.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation and improvement of formulas for replacement depth under dynamic compaction
2008, 30(7): 994-998.
Abstract PDF
Strict axisymmetric deformation analysis of shaft linings considering shaft-curing load
ZHOU Yang, ZHOU Guoqing
2008, 30(7): 999-1004.
Abstract PDF
Swelling-shrinkage behaviour of Gaomiaozi bentonite
QIN Bing, CHEN Zhenghan, LIU Yuemiao, WANG Ju
2008, 30(7): 1005-1010.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of temperature features within crushed rock revetment and cooling mechanism of embankments for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
WU Qingbai, YU Hui, JIANG Guanli, LIU Yongzhi
2008, 30(7): 1011-1016.
Abstract PDF
Lateral response of passive pile groups due to excavation-induced soil movement in stratified soils
HUANG Maosong, ZHANG Chenrong, LI Zao
2008, 30(7): 1017-1023.
Abstract PDF
Coattail catastrophe model of sliding instability
SUN Qiang, MA Ping, YE Xiaoping, LIU Tianba
2008, 30(7): 1024-1028.
Abstract PDF
Engineering evaluation of allowable deformation of soft rock
WU Deyi, CHENG Hua
2008, 30(7): 1029-1032.
Abstract PDF
Effect of pile row distance on internal stress of double-row anti-slide piles
SHEN Yongjiang, Lv Qing, SHANG Yuequan
2008, 30(7): 1033-1037.
Abstract PDF
Time effect analysis of influence of excavation on adjacent pile foundations
DU Jinlong, YANG Min
2008, 30(7): 1038-1043.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on Meso-structure evolution of unsaturated natural Q2 loess during yield hardening
FANG Xiangwei, CHEN Zhenghan, SHEN Chunni, LIU Houjian, WANG Hewen
2008, 30(7): 1044-1050.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on characteristics of dynamic signal for bolt anchorage system
CHEN Jiangong, ZHANG Yongxing
2008, 30(7): 1051-1057.
Abstract PDF
Deduction of salt expansion expression during pure salt expansion period of sulphate saline soil
NIU Xirong, GAO Jiangping
2008, 30(7): 1058-1061.
Abstract PDF
Forecast of stress-strain curves of rock under arbitrary confining pressures in triaxial compression
YI Da, LIU Jierong, GE Xiurun
2008, 30(7): 1062-1065.
Abstract PDF
Longitudinal waves in piles with exponentially varying cross sections
LIU Dongjia
2008, 30(7): 1066-1071.
Abstract PDF
Control mechanism and application of doubly supported roadways with large rigidity and high strength
LI Dawei, HOU Chaojiong, BAI Jianbiao
2008, 30(7): 1072-1078.
Abstract PDF
Permeability evaluation of cement samples under shock waves
LIN Yingsong, LIU Zhaonian, ZHANG Baokang, JIANG Jinbao
2008, 30(7): 1079-1083.
Abstract PDF
Application of new spigot coaxial rod extensometer in monitoring deformation of surrounding rock
CHEN Yijun, LIU Changwu, XU Jin, FANG Yanqiang
2008, 30(7): 1084-1089.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modeling of static and dynamic failure of stabilizing piles in slope
YU Yuzhen, LI Rongjian, LI Guangxin, ZHENG Ruihua
2008, 30(7): 1090-1093.
Abstract PDF
Continuous exploration for deformation and failure of overburdens under injecting grouts in separate layers
WANG Zhongchang, ZHANG Wenquan, ZHAO Deshen
2008, 30(7): 1094-1098.
Abstract PDF
FEM modeling method for anchored slope stability analysis and discussions on anchoring effect
ZHUANG Xiaoying, CAI Yongchang, ZHU Hehua
2008, 30(7): 1099-1104.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on"study on the indeterminacy of the earth pressure on rigid retaining walls"
CHEN Qiunan
2008, 30(7): 1105-1106.
Abstract PDF
Reply to the discussion on"study on the indeterminacy of the earth pressure on rigid retaining walls"
LI Xinggao, LIU Weining
2008, 30(7): 1106.
Abstract PDF