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p–y curves and lateral resistances of piles in saturated degradation sand
WANG Jianhua, QI Chunxiang, YU Zhengchun, FENG Shilun
2008, 30(3): 309-315.
Abstract PDF
A unified hardening model for K0 overconsolidated clays
YAO Yangping, HOU Wei
2008, 30(3): 316-322.
Abstract PDF
Load transfer and bearing capacity of inclined pile under vertical load
2008, 30(3): 323-330.
Abstract PDF
The lowest solution of slice method for slope stability analysis
FANG Yushu
2008, 30(3): 331-335.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of negative skin friction on single pile in multiple layer deposits
ZHAO Minghua, LIU Sisi
2008, 30(3): 336-340.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on negative skin friction along piles caused by seismic settlement of loess
WANG Lanmin, SUN Junjie, HUANG Xuefeng, XU Shunhua, SHI Yucheng
2008, 30(3): 341-348.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of reliability of structural systems for stability of gravity retaining walls
DU Yongfeng, YU Yu, LI Hui
2008, 30(3): 349-353.
Abstract PDF
Two-dimensional numerical analysis of landfill contaminant migration considering non-linear adsorption
ZHANG Jinli, YANG Qing, LUAN Maotian
2008, 30(3): 354-360.
Abstract PDF
Yield process of the 1150-m horizontal jamb in Jinchuan No. 2 Mine area
MA Chongwu, MU Qingsong, XU Youji, MIAO Ti
2008, 30(3): 361-365.
Abstract PDF
Requirements of thickness of sand mats for consolidation method
LIU Jifu
2008, 30(3): 366-371.
Abstract PDF
Active earth pressure induced by saturated subgrade under vehicle load
WANG Junjie, CHAI Hejun
2008, 30(3): 372-378.
Abstract PDF
Effect of stress path circumgyration on shear modulus under small strain and initial stress state
ZHANG Peisen, SHI Jianyong
2008, 30(3): 379-383.
Abstract PDF
Interval element-free Galerkin method for plates on Winkler foundation
MA Lihong, QIU Zhiping, WANG Xiaojun, ZHANG Jianhui
2008, 30(3): 384-389.
Abstract PDF
Time-reliability of tunnel support under complex conditions
JIA Jianqing, WANG Hongtu, LI Xiaohong, NIU Huimin, HU Guozhong
2008, 30(3): 390-393.
Abstract PDF
Failure mechanism and ultimate bearing capacity of bucket foundation in shallow water
WU Ke, LUAN Maotian, FAN Qinglai, WANG Zhiyun
2008, 30(3): 394-398.
Abstract PDF
Hysteresis model for soil-water characteristic curves
LIU Yan, ZHAO Chenggang
2008, 30(3): 399-405.
Abstract PDF
Field experimental studies on super-tall buildings, super-long piles & super-thick raft in Shanghai
DAI Biaobing, AI Zhiyong, ZHAO Xihong, FAN Qingguo, DENG Wenlong
2008, 30(3): 406-413.
Abstract PDF
Propagation characteristics of transient waves in low strain integrity tests on cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe piles
LIU Hanlong, DING Xuanming
2008, 30(3): 414-419.
Abstract PDF
Application of the ultrasonic method to monitoring the whole process of treating super-long broken piles
ZHANG Hong, CHEN Xinchun, CHEN Rufa
2008, 30(3): 420-424.
Abstract PDF
Influence of explosive enlargement and explosive lining on moisture content of soil
WANG Hailiang, MA Min, YE Chaoliang, ZHAO Changwei
2008, 30(3): 425-428.
Abstract PDF
Bearing capacity of screw pile group determined by inclined pull-out test
DONG Tianwen, ZHANG Yajun, LI Shiwei, HUANG Lianzhuang
2008, 30(3): 429-433.
Abstract PDF
Deformation and stress analysis of Dahe CFRD built on thick alluvium deposits
SUN Dawei, DENG Haifeng, TIAN Bin, LI Nenghui
2008, 30(3): 434-439.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation for densely-distributed drainage holes in seepage field with free surface
CUI Haodong, ZHU Yueming, WU Shiyong
2008, 30(3): 440-445.
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Compaction property of wide grading gravelly soil
CHEN Zhibo, ZHU Jungao, WANG Qiang
2008, 30(3): 446-449.
Abstract PDF
Tunnel collapse mechanism and numerical analysis of its influencing factors
WANG Chengbing, ZHU Hehua
2008, 30(3): 450-456.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of causes and disposals for water gushing of land regions Xiamen of submarine tunnel
CHEN Weitao, WANG Mingnian, WEI Longhai, JI Yanlei, GAI Zhiying, HUANG Rende
2008, 30(3): 457-461.
Abstract PDF
Effect of excavation length of inverted arch in one step on stability of multi-arch tunnels in loess
ZHONG Zuliang, LIU Xinrong, YUAN Fei, QU Wanbo
2008, 30(3): 462-466.
Abstract PDF