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3D analysis of active vibration isolation with wave impeding block in layered ground under vertical loading
GAO Guangyun, FENG Shijin, LI Wei, ZHENG Jianguo
2007, 29(4): 471-476.
Abstract PDF
Particle size effects on bearing capacity of sandy ground in centrifugal tests
2007, 29(4): 477-483.
Abstract PDF
3D simulation and analysis of highway tunnels by use of advanced entrance construction method
JIANG Shuping, LI Jianjun
2007, 29(4): 484-489.
Abstract PDF
On preconsolidation pressure of clays from piezocone tests
LIU Songyu, CAI Guojun, TONG Liyuan, DU Guangyin
2007, 29(4): 490-495.
Abstract PDF
A constitutive model of K0 consolided structured soft clays
WANG Lizhong, SHEN Kailun
2007, 29(4): 496-504.
Abstract PDF
Study on nonlinear creep model of soft rock
FAN Qingzhong, GAO Yanfa, CUI Xihai, FU Zhiliang
2007, 29(4): 505-509.
Abstract PDF
Fully coupled deformation analysis of slopes due to rise of ground water level
MING Haiyan, LI Xiangsong, ZHANG Ruihua
2007, 29(4): 510-516.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study to reduce differential settlements of raft of composite foundation with rigid piles
LIU Donglin, ZHENG Gang, LIU Jinli, LI Jinxiu
2007, 29(4): 517-523.
Abstract PDF
Micromechanics of granular assemblies of elastic-perfectly plastic spheres during quasi-static deformation
LIU Lianfeng
2007, 29(4): 524-530.
Abstract PDF
Engineering geological research on altered rocks in the area of NW Yunnan along Yunnan-Tibet Railway line
ZHANG Yongshuang, QU Yongxin, LIU Jingru, GUO Changbao
2007, 29(4): 531-536.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism study on subsoil-strap footing-framework interaction in mining subsidence area
XIA Junwu, YUAN Yingshu, DONG Zhengzhu
2007, 29(4): 537-541.
Abstract PDF
Microstructure characteristics and seismic subsidence of loess
DENG Jin, WANG Lanmin, ZHANG Zhenzhong
2007, 29(4): 542-548.
Abstract PDF
Analysis for deformation of single tension pile and pile groups using modified variational approach
SUN Xiaoli, YANG Min, ZHU Bitang
2007, 29(4): 549-553.
Abstract PDF
Establishment of uniform ground movement model for shield tunnels
WEI Gang
2007, 29(4): 554-559.
Abstract PDF
Study on numerical model for water-air two-phase flow in unsaturated soil
SUN Dongmei, ZHU Yueming, ZHANG Mingjin
2007, 29(4): 560-565.
Abstract PDF
Design conception of safe net system based on analysis of motion trace of rockfall
YE Siqiao, TANG Hongmei, ZHU Hui
2007, 29(4): 566-571.
Abstract PDF
Calculation of bearing capacity of strip footings using lower bound limit method
HUANG Qiwu, HUANG Maosong, WANG Guihe
2007, 29(4): 572-579.
Abstract PDF
Study on bearing behaviors and model tests of composite pile foundation with long and short piles
ZHU Xiaojun, YANG Min, YANG Hua, LI Fengli
2007, 29(4): 580-586.
Abstract PDF
Simulation of impact failure of rock by numerical manifold method
LIU Hongyan, QIN Siqing, LI Houen, MA Ping, SUN Qiang
2007, 29(4): 587-593.
Abstract PDF
Constitutive theory of soils based on the generalized potential theory
YANG Guanghua, LI Guangxin
2007, 29(4): 594-597.
Abstract PDF
Interior stablility analysis method of soil-nailed structure based on empirical genetic-simplex algorithm
DU Xiuli, WANG Zhihui, LI Liyun, JIANG Liping, HOU Shiwei
2007, 29(4): 598-602.
Abstract PDF
Model tests on piles with branches and plates in unsaturated silt under cyclic loads
LU Chengyuan, WANG Shanshan, MENG Fanli
2007, 29(4): 603-607.
Abstract PDF
Study on differences between ultimate bearing capacity on natural foundations and on pile tips in layered soil strata
2007, 29(4): 608-611.
Abstract PDF
Study on cranny characteristics of the ruins of Jiaohe
SUN Manli, WANG Xudong, LI Zuixiong, CHEN Wenwu
2007, 29(4): 612-617.
Abstract PDF
Preparation of hollow cylindrical samples of intact soft clay
ZHOU Jian, ZHANG Jinliang, SHEN Yang, ZHANG Quanfang
2007, 29(4): 618-621.
Abstract PDF
Engineering behavior of subgrade embankments on sloped weak ground based on strength reduction FEM
JIANG Xin, QIU Yanjun, WEI Yongxing
2007, 29(4): 622-627.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on measurement of dynamic stress of dynamic compaction
HE Changming, ZOU Jinfeng, LI Liang
2007, 29(4): 628-632.
Abstract PDF