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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊

3-D simple deformable distinct element method
ZHANG Chong, JIN Feng, HOU Yanli
2007, 29(2): 159-163.
Abstract PDF
Ultimate bearing capacity of shallow footing on anisotropic and nonhomogeneous clays
XU Gancheng, LI Chengxue, LIU Ping
2007, 29(2): 164-168.
Abstract PDF
Identification of interface of earth fill with weathered granite in site investigation of Hong Kong
TAN Zhuoying, CAI Meifeng, YUE Z Q, THAM L G, LEE C F
2007, 29(2): 169-173.
Abstract PDF
Abnormal effect of skin friction of bored pile in Shanghai
ZHOU Hongbo, CHEN Zhuchang, YAO Hao
2007, 29(2): 174-179.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on seepage of high excavated slopes of cracked rock in the ship locks of Three Gorges
REN Dachun, LIU Yichen, ZHU Guosheng, CHEN Jinsong
2007, 29(2): 180-183.
Abstract PDF
Study on soil-pile interaction in torsional vibrations
HU Changbin, ZHANG Tao
2007, 29(2): 184-190.
Abstract PDF
Ground deformation computation method for goafs of highways
CHEN Xiaobin, ZHANG Jiasheng, AN Guanfeng, YANG Guoyue
2007, 29(2): 191-197.
Abstract PDF
Study of consolidation calculation of soft ground improved by dry jet mixing combined with vertical drain method
CHEN Lei, LIU Songyu, HONG Zhenshun
2007, 29(2): 198-203.
Abstract PDF
Scattering of plane Rayleigh waves in alluvial valleys with saturated soil deposits
WANG Lei, ZHAO Chenggang
2007, 29(2): 204-211.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of the process of hydraulic fracturing in earth and rockfill dams
LI Quanming, ZHANG Bingyin, YU Yuzhen, WANG Jianguo
2007, 29(2): 212-217.
Abstract PDF
An equivalent linear method considering frequency-dependent soil properties for seismic response analysis
JIANG Tong, XING Hailing
2007, 29(2): 218-224.
Abstract PDF
Analytic method of pile groups considering slipping between piles and soil and dynamic adjustment of integral stiffness
WU Peng, GONG Weiming, LIANG Shuting, ZHU Jianming
2007, 29(2): 225-230.
Abstract PDF
Computational analysis of layered soil-box foundation-structure dynamic interaction under explosive earthquake waves
ZHU Zhihui, SHANG Shouping, WU Fangbo, XIONG Hui
2007, 29(2): 231-236.
Abstract PDF
Study on seismic loading of pseudo-static approach used in the seismic design of underground structure
LIU Rushan, HU Shaoqing, SHI Hongbin
2007, 29(2): 237-242.
Abstract PDF
Simulation of GPR detecting of grouting materials behind shield tunnel segments
HUANG Hongwei, DU Jun, XIE Xiongyao
2007, 29(2): 243-248.
Abstract PDF
A bounding surface model for creeping soft clays under cyclic loading
LI Xingzhao, HUANG Maosong
2007, 29(2): 249-254.
Abstract PDF
Comprehensive assessment of observed behavior of earth-rockfill dams
LI Zongkun, JIANG Jingshan, WANG Guangyin
2007, 29(2): 255-259.
Abstract PDF
Influence of modelling boundaries on behaviour of pile groups with dumbbell shaped pile-cap supporting for a super large bridge
ZENG Youjin, ZHANG Weimin, WANG Nianxiang, XU Guangming
2007, 29(2): 260-267.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of stress distribution and displacement of rock strata of coal mines by means of DDA method
JU Yang, ZUO Jianping, SONG Zhenduo, TIAN Lulu, ZHOU Hongwei
2007, 29(2): 268-273.
Abstract PDF
Laplace solution for heat transfer model of dam leakage
LU Yanmei, CHEN Jiansheng, DONG Haizhou, CHEN Liang
2007, 29(2): 274-278.
Abstract PDF
Design and numerical simulation of rock bolting and shotcrete for deep tunnels with high stress in Jinchuan Mine
GAO Qian, SONG Jianguo, YU Weijian, WANG Zhenghui
2007, 29(2): 279-284.
Abstract PDF
Application of element integration method in bearing capacity analysis of foundation
YIN Honglei, XU Qianjun, LI Zhongkui
2007, 29(2): 285-288.
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Study on physical properties of soil in sliding zone of loess landslip
LONG Jianhui, LI Tonglu, LEI Xiaofeng, YANG Sheqiang
2007, 29(2): 289-293.
Abstract PDF
Water sensitivity of Malan loess in Lanzhou
LI Baoxiong, NIU Yonghong, MIAO Ti
2007, 29(2): 294-298.
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Properties of filled materials and applicability of different dam types for Siping Rockfill Dam
ZHOU Xiaowen, DING Hongshun
2007, 29(2): 299-303.
Abstract PDF
Deflection controlling measures and practices of deep foundation pits by use of top-down excavation method
JIA Jian
2007, 29(2): 304-308.
Abstract PDF
Study on 3D fractal dimension of clayey soil by use of GIS
WANG Baojun, SHI Bin, TANG Chaosheng
2007, 29(2): 309-312.
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