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Generalized composite foundation theory and engineering application
GONG Xiaonan
2007, 29(1): 1-13.
Abstract PDF
Investigation on resistance to freezing-thawing effect of solidified saline soil
ZHOU Yongxiang, YAN Peiyu
2007, 29(1): 14-19.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on translational failure of landfill along the underlying liner system
FENG Shijin, CHEN Yunmin, GAO Guangyun
2007, 29(1): 20-25.
Abstract PDF
Study on affecting factors of stress-deformation of diaphragm walls for concrete face rockfill dams built on thick alluvium deposit
LI Nenghui, MI Zhankuan, SUN Dawei
2007, 29(1): 26-31.
Abstract PDF
Lateral vibration of pile groups in layered soil
HUANG Maosong, WU Zhiming, REN Qing
2007, 29(1): 32-38.
Abstract PDF
Cyclic liquefaction resistances of undisturbed and remolded saturated loose silts with the same shear wave velocity
WANG Jianhua, ZHAO Na
2007, 29(1): 39-43.
Abstract PDF
Slope reliability analysis using elasto-plastic finite element method
TAN Xiaohui, WANG Jianguo
2007, 29(1): 44-50.
Abstract PDF
A cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for evaluating large liquefaction-induced deformation of sand
WANG Gang, ZHANG Jianmin
2007, 29(1): 51-59.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of tunnel vibration due to pile driving under soil-structure dynamic interaction
LI Yiwen, ZHOU Jian
2007, 29(1): 60-65.
Abstract PDF
Study of slipping in the rubble-bedding of gravity quays
HE Li, BIE Shean, QI Yue
2007, 29(1): 66-70.
Abstract PDF
Centrifugal loading method of RFPA for the failure process analysis of rock and soil structure
TANG Chunan, TANG Liexian, LI Lianchong, LI Changwen
2007, 29(1): 71-76.
Abstract PDF
Physical modelling of suction foundations of TLPs under horizontal loads
ZHANG Jianhong, LIN Xiaojing, LU Xiaobing
2007, 29(1): 77-81.
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Effect of suction on shear strength and dilatancy of an unsaturated expansive clay
ZHAN Liangtong, NG Charles W W
2007, 29(1): 82-87.
Abstract PDF
Measurement of sound waves to study cumulative damage effect on surrounding rock under blasting load
YAN Changbin, XU Guoyuan, YANG Fei
2007, 29(1): 88-93.
Abstract PDF
Displacement measurement using image analysis in centrifuge modeling of slopes
ZHANG Ga, MU Taiping, ZHANG Jianmin
2007, 29(1): 94-97.
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Effect of pH value of soil on strength increasing of the stabilized soil
NING Jianguo, HUANG Xin, XU Sheng
2007, 29(1): 98-102.
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Laboratory study on behaviour of static properties of saturated sand-gravel after liquefaction
XU Bin, KONG Xianjing, ZOU Degao, LOU Shulian
2007, 29(1): 103-106.
Abstract PDF
Study on the ultimate pullout force of pre-stressed cable based on nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
ZOU Jinfeng, LI Liang, YANG Xiaoli, DENG Zongwei
2007, 29(1): 107-111.
Abstract PDF
Study on mechanics of rebound and controlling of preloading piles
ZHANG Yuan, ZHAO Laishun, TANG Liyun, GUO Zhiyong
2007, 29(1): 112-115.
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Study on influence of blasting vibration on cross tunnels with small clearance
ZHAO Dongping, WANG Mingnian
2007, 29(1): 116-119.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on Y-shaped vibro piles to improve soft clay ground under the expressways
XU Lixin, YANG Shaohua, DUAN Bing
2007, 29(1): 120-124.
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Back analysis on mechanical parameters of dams based on uniform design and genetic neural network
LI Duanyou, GAN Xiaoqing, ZHOU Wu
2007, 29(1): 125-130.
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Study on effect of barrier of a row of hollow pipe piles on isolation of incident plane SV waves
XU Ping, XIA Tangdai, ZHOU Xinmin
2007, 29(1): 131-136.
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Displacement function method of space problem for transversely isotropic foundation
LI Jie, ZHANG Xuemin, DUN Zhilin, GAO Xuebing
2007, 29(1): 137-142.
Abstract PDF
Analysis and application of cement-mixed piles and sand piles to protection projects of soft ground improved by vacuum preloading
QIU Qingchang, MO Haihong, DONG Zhiliang, ZHANG Feng
2007, 29(1): 143-146.
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Research on bearing capacity of cast-in-place piles in unsaturated to saturated loess
LIU Sancang, SUI Guoxiu, LIU Zhiwei
2007, 29(1): 147-151.
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Study on stepped reinforced soil retaining walls by model tests
ZHOU Shiliang, HE Guangchun, WANG Chengzhi, YANG Chengyu
2007, 29(1): 152-156.
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