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Analysis on ability of HCA to imitate cyclic principal stress rotation under constant confining pressure
SHEN Yang, ZHOU Jian, GONG Xiaonan
2006, 28(3): 281-287.
Abstract PDF
Model of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling for cracked rock mass and its 2D FEM analysis
2006, 28(3): 288-294.
Abstract PDF
Critical width method for analyzing stability of foundation pits against basal heave failure
WANG Chenghua, LU Qun, SUN Peng
2006, 28(3): 295-300.
Abstract PDF
Probabilistic estimation of sand liquefaction based on neural network model of radial basis function
CHEN Guoxing, LI Fangming
2006, 28(3): 301-305.
Abstract PDF
Experimental investigation on progressive deformation patterns of sand foundation in centrifuge test using digital photogrammetry
LI Yuanhai, JING Hongwen, ZHU Hehua, MA Xianfeng
2006, 28(3): 306-311.
Abstract PDF
Study on effect of construction loads on longitudinal deformation of adjacent metro tunnels
DAI Hongwei, CHEN Renpeng, CHEN Yunmin
2006, 28(3): 312-316.
Abstract PDF
Tri-axial shear strength of Shanghai unsaturated soft clay
YE Weimin, CHEN Bao, BIAN Zuoxiu, ZHU Hehua, BAI Yun
2006, 28(3): 317-321.
Abstract PDF
Distribution of land-slide thrust on anti-slide piles
YANG Tao, ZHOU Depei, ZHANG Junyun, FENG Jun
2006, 28(3): 322-326.
Abstract PDF
Experimental analysis of vertical soil arching effect of embankment reinforced by rigid piles
XIA Yuanyou, RUI Rui
2006, 28(3): 327-331.
Abstract PDF
Assessment on double anchor construction project of subgrade retaining wall on slope and its parameters optimization with numerical simulation
WU Shunchuan, GAO Yongtao, WANG Jinan
2006, 28(3): 332-336.
Abstract PDF
Researches on failure criteria of Lade-Duncan,Matsuoka-Nakai and Ottosen
YANG Xueqiang, ZHU Zhizheng, HE Shixiu
2006, 28(3): 337-342.
Abstract PDF
Stress-strain behaviour of clay with different water contents under different test conditions
LI Jianzhong, PENG Fangle, TATSUOKA Fumio
2006, 28(3): 343-347.
Abstract PDF
Reliability analysis of high level backfill based on chaotic optimization
LIU Zhixiang, LI Xibing, ZHANG Yiping
2006, 28(3): 348-352.
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Undercutting construction technology of a municipal tunnel beneath existing railways in Hangzhou
LIU Zhaowei, YANG Shiwu
2006, 28(3): 353-357.
Abstract PDF
Study on influence factors of rock cavern displacement under earthquake
LI Haibo, MA Xingdong, LI Junru, DAI Huichao, XIAO Keqiang
2006, 28(3): 358-362.
Abstract PDF
Mechanical properties and behaviors of macroscopically isotropic mélange
TIEN Yong ming, KUO Ming chuan, KU Chih chun
2006, 28(3): 363-371.
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Researches on filling coefficients for stability of soil stratum permeability
2006, 28(3): 372-376.
Abstract PDF
Numerical analysis on support structure of rock around deep roadway
LI Shuqing, WANG Weijun, PAN Changliang
2006, 28(3): 377-381.
Abstract PDF
Large area field immersion tests on characteristics of deformation of self weight collapse loess under overburden pressure
HUANG Xuefeng, CHEN Zhenghan, HA Shuang, XUE Saiguang, SUN Shuxun, XU Yiming, JIN Xueju, ZHU Yuanqing
2006, 28(3): 382-389.
Abstract PDF
Simulation of soil properties by particle flow code
ZHOU Jian, SU Yan, CHI Yong
2006, 28(3): 390-396.
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Laboratory determination of diffusion and distribution coefficients of contaminants in clay soil
XI Yong, Hui, REN Jie
2006, 28(3): 397-402.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on landfill covers for evaluation of performance of mineral cover systems
GARTUNG Erwin, HENKEN MELLIES Ulrich, RAMKE Hans Gunter, HU Yifeng
2006, 28(3): 403-409.
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Comparative study on dynamic shear modulus of silty clay
SHANG Shouping, LU Huaxi, REN Hui, LI Gang
2006, 28(3): 410-414.
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Study on subcritical crack growth and thresholds of rocks
LI Jiangteng, CAO Ping, YUAN Haiping
2006, 28(3): 415-418.
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Study on critical velocity and vibration boom of track
LEI Xiaoyan
2006, 28(3): 419-422.
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