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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊

Study on non-uniform settlement of drainageway in Waiwan of Dongting-lake
ZHOU Qunli, YU Xiangjuan, LI Tuanhui, LI Shengqi, ZHANG Zhishu
2005, 27(2): 135-139.
Abstract PDF
Study on the deformation characteristics of soil layers in regional land subsidence model of Shanghai
YE Shujun, XUE Yuqun, ZHANG Yun, LI Qinfen, WANG Hanmei
2005, 27(2): 140-147.
Abstract PDF
Study on penetration resistance distribution characteristic of sunk shaft foundation
CHEN Xiaoping, QIAN Pingyi, ZHANG Zhiyong
2005, 27(2): 148-152.
Abstract PDF
Development of composite soil nailing walls
YANG Zhiyin, ZHANG Jun, WANG Kaixu
2005, 27(2): 153-156.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of field test on the foundation of a large oil tank
YING Hongwei, YANG Xiaogang, BIAN Shouzhong, PAN Qiuyuan, XIE Kanghe
2005, 27(2): 157-161.
Abstract PDF
An attempt of embedding fiber optic Bragg grating sensors in freeway foundation to detect the pore-water pressure
XIA Yuanyou, RUI Rui, LIANG Lei, FENG Zhongren
2005, 27(2): 162-166.
Abstract PDF
The multidimensional scaled memory model and its verification
CHI Shichun, XU Yanlin
2005, 27(2): 167-172.
Abstract PDF
Stabilized finite elements for dynamic problems of saturated soil subjected to cyclic loading
HUANG Maosong, WEI Xing
2005, 27(2): 173-177.
Abstract PDF
A new cyclic constitutive model for granular soil considering reversible and irreversible dilatancy
ZHANG Jianmin, LUO Gang
2005, 27(2): 178-184.
Abstract PDF
One-dimensional numerical analyses of migration processes of pollutants through a clay liner considering sorption of aquifer
LUAN Maotian, ZHANG Jinli, YANG Qing
2005, 27(2): 185-189.
Abstract PDF
Evaluating criterion of relative strength-weakness characteristic based on acoustic emission parameters of rockmass stability
WANG Ning, HAN Zhixing, WANG Yueming, ZHAO Mingbo
2005, 27(2): 190-192.
Abstract PDF
The frequency spectral analysis of EH-4 signals in exploration of geotechnical engineering
SHA Chengman, WANG Ende, YANG Dongmei
2005, 27(2): 193-197.
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional model and procedures for prediction of sand production in gas reservoirs
ZHANG Guangqing, CHEN Mian, JIN Yan
2005, 27(2): 198-201.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of dynamic and static triaxial test on frozen silty clay of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
WANG Lixia, LING Xianzhang, XU Xueyan, GU Quanyu, HU Qingli
2005, 27(2): 202-205.
Abstract PDF
Experimental studies on interface bond strength of non-metallic anchors
XUE Weichen
2005, 27(2): 206-209.
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Experiments on new type of grout
HU Anbing, XU Huiwen, YANG Min
2005, 27(2): 210-213.
Abstract PDF
Research on reinforced anchor with fibre mortar
LIU Run, YAN Shuwang, LUO Qiang, LONG Wanxue, ZHOU Yong
2005, 27(2): 214-218.
Abstract PDF
The application of the information system of visualized strata model to the research of land subsidence in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area
WANG Fugang, LIANG Xiujuan, YU Jun
2005, 27(2): 219-223.
Abstract PDF
Gas-based optimization design method of cement-soil retaining wall
CHEN Changfu, WU Ziru, CAO Jia, ZHAO Minghua
2005, 27(2): 224-229.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on stability of surrounding rock mass of Longtan large underground powerhouse with FLAC3d
YANG Weimin, CHEN Weizhong, LI Shucai, YANG Diansen, LI Fei
2005, 27(2): 230-234.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of shear test in site and lab large-scale shear test for rock-soil aggregate of roadbed
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2005, 27(2): 235-238.
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Fatigue damage analysis of the reinforcement delaying reflective cracking of asphalt pavement
2005, 27(2): 239-242.
Abstract PDF
Study on influence of seepage of metro tunnels in soft soil on the settlements of tunnels and ground
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2005, 27(2): 243-247.
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