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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊

Anisotropy of soils and its approximate simulation
YIN Zongze, XU Zhiwei
2002, 24(5): 547-551.
Abstract PDF
A new double cell triaxial system for continuous measurement of volume changes of an unsaturated or saturated soil specimen in triaxial test
YIN Jianhua
2002, 24(5): 552-555.
Abstract PDF
Pore pressure characteristic analysis of soft clay during unloading based on lab data and numerical calculation
ZHOU Jian, WANG Hao, CAI Hongying, HUANG Maosong
2002, 24(5): 556-559.
Abstract PDF
The long term stability of cut slope and determination of effective strength index of soils
LIAO Hongjian, HAN Bo, YIN Jianhua, CHI Shisheng
2002, 24(5): 560-564.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical analysis of unusual vibration amplification in barrier protected zone
GAO Guangyun, YUE Zhongqi, Tham L. G., QIU Chang
2002, 24(5): 565-568.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on the passive earth pressure acting on a rigid wall
XU Riqing, CHEN Yekai, YANG Zhongxuan, GONG Xiaonan
2002, 24(5): 569-575.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the mechanism of using geonets to treat the unequal settlement of subgrade at the cut to fill location
ZHOU Zhigang, ZHENG Jianlong, LI Qiang
2002, 24(5): 576-579.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on the shape and size effect of cement-stabilized soil specimen strength
CHEN Su, PENG Jianzhong, HAN Jingyun, GU Hu
2002, 24(5): 580-583.
Abstract PDF
Study on engineering properties of weak layers under ground stresses
FU Wenxi, NIE Dexin, SHANG Yuequan, CHEN Yunmin
2002, 24(5): 584-587.
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Characteristic of the random field of geotechnical parameters and linear prediction
LIU Chunyuan, YAN Shuwang
2002, 24(5): 588-591.
Abstract PDF
Reliability design of grouting for stopping up water in rock mass
HAO Zhe, WANG Yinggang, LIU Bin
2002, 24(5): 592-595.
Abstract PDF
Study on the mechanism of the deep fractures of the left abutment slope at the Jinping first stage hydropower station
QI Shengwen, WU Faquan, LAN Hengxing
2002, 24(5): 596-599.
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Local minimum factor-of-safety method based on limit equilibrium theory
YANG Mingcheng, ZHEN Yingren
2002, 24(5): 600-604.
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Pore-pressure theory and experimental research for non-saturated clay
LIN Chenggong, WU Delun
2002, 24(5): 605-607.
Abstract PDF
Estimation of the displacement depth in dynamic replacement
ZENG Qingjun, LI Maoying, LI Dayong
2002, 24(5): 608-611.
Abstract PDF
Study on experimental determination of the dynamic elastic mechanical parameters of frozen soil by ultrasonic technique
WANG Dayan, ZHU Yuanlin, ZHAO Shuping, LI Haipeng
2002, 24(5): 612-615.
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A method for evaluating coefficient of consolidation
ZHANG Yiping, YU Yanan, ZHANG Tuqiao, ZHANG Xiaohai
2002, 24(5): 616-618.
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Application of projection pursuit method to assessment of slope stability
WANG Mingwu, JIN Juliang
2002, 24(5): 619-621.
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Centrifuge modeling of moisture and contaminant migration in unsaturated soils
ZHANG Jianhong, Lo. Irene M.C., HU Liming
2002, 24(5): 622-625.
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Finite element method for solving the factor of safety
ZHENG Hong, LI Chunguang, Lee C.F., GE Xiurun
2002, 24(5): 626-628.
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On the deformation of soft clay subjected to cyclic loading
ZHONG Huihong, HUANG Maosong, WU Shiming, ZHANG Yijing
2002, 24(5): 629-632.
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Shockwave model and Lagrangian series solution of quiescent sedimentation
XIE Xinyu, ZHANG Jifa, PAN Linyou, ZENG Guoxi
2002, 24(5): 633-635.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic fatigue properties of the cracked sandstone samples under freezing and cyclic loading
LI Ning ., ZHANG Ping, CHEN Yunsheng
2002, 24(5): 636-639.
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Non-linear behavior of a single pile
XIAO Zhaoran, WANG Lumin, LEE K.M.
2002, 24(5): 640-644.
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