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黄大维, 陈后宏, 徐长节, 罗文俊, 耿大新, 刘家璇. 联络通道施工盾构机始发对已建盾构隧道影响试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231266
引用本文: 黄大维, 陈后宏, 徐长节, 罗文俊, 耿大新, 刘家璇. 联络通道施工盾构机始发对已建盾构隧道影响试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231266
Experimental Study on the Impact of the Starting of Shield Tunnels in Contact Channel Construction on Existing Shield Tunnels[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231266
Citation: Experimental Study on the Impact of the Starting of Shield Tunnels in Contact Channel Construction on Existing Shield Tunnels[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231266


Experimental Study on the Impact of the Starting of Shield Tunnels in Contact Channel Construction on Existing Shield Tunnels

  • 摘要: 盾构法联络通道施工过程中盾构机始发对已建盾构隧道受荷变形影响暂不明确问题,通过设计1:10的缩尺模型试验,开展了盾构机始发对已建盾构隧道影响试验研究。试验结果表明:盾构法联络通道施工时,在盾构机顶推反力作用下,始发端已建盾构隧道在联络通道位置约1倍隧道直径范围内发生了横椭圆变形,而两端则发生了竖椭圆变形;盾构隧道发生横断面变形时,水平直径变形约为竖向直径变形的3-4倍;在联络通道位置约1倍隧道直径范围内向顶推反力方向发生了水平挠曲变形,而在其两侧方向上发生了水平挠曲反弯现象;竖向挠曲变形趋势与水平挠曲变形相同,且比水平挠曲变形的幅度小;联络通道位置约1倍隧道直径范围内的水平直径增大导致隧道两侧的水平土压力均增大,竖向直径减小导致隧道顶部与底部的竖向土压力均减小;盾构隧道周围的土压力变化是盾构隧道横断面变形与纵向挠曲变形共同作用的结果,在盾构隧道受力分析过程中建议同时考虑其横断面变形与纵向挠曲变形。


    Abstract: The impact of shield tunneling machine starting on the deformation of the existing shield tunnel under load during the construction process of the shield tunneling method connecting passage is currently unclear. By designing a 1:10 scaled model experiment, conducted experimental research on the impact of shield tunneling machine initiation on existing shield tunnels. The experimental results indicate that, during the construction of the shield tunneling method connecting passage, under the action of the shield tunneling machine's top pushing reaction force, the existing shield tunnel at the starting end undergoes horizontal elliptical deformation within a range of about 1 tunnel diameter at the connecting passage position, while vertical elliptical deformation occurs at both ends. When a shield tunnel undergoes cross-sectional deformation, the horizontal diameter deformation is about 3-4 times that of the vertical diameter deformation. Horizontal bending deformation occurred in the direction of upward pushing reaction force within a range of approximately 1 tunnel diameter at the location of the connecting passage, and horizontal bending phenomenon occurred on both sides of it. The trend of vertical deflection deformation is the same as that of horizontal deflection deformation, and the amplitude is smaller than that of horizontal deflection deformation. The increase in horizontal diameter within the range of about 1 times the tunnel diameter at the location of the connecting passage leads to an increase in horizontal soil pressure on both sides of the tunnel, while the decrease in vertical diameter leads to a decrease in vertical soil pressure on both the top and bottom of the tunnel. The variation of soil pressure around the shield tunnel is the result of the combined action of cross-sectional deformation and longitudinal deflection deformation of the shield tunnel. It is recommended to consider both cross-sectional deformation and longitudinal deflection deformation in the stress analysis process of the shield tunnel.


