Neasurement and Treatment of Underground Soil Polluted by SO ̄(2-)4
摘要: 上海某高层住宅大楼与一座老化工厂毗邻,大楼基础局部位置系原化工厂厂房。长期排放废渣废水结果使得地基土和地下水中含有较高浓度的硫酸根离子。这种硫酸根离子对基础混凝土具有结晶性腐蚀作用,要求对地下水和地基土进行处理。本文就硫酸根离子腐蚀性机理,污染土的处理及检测方法等问题进行了研究,并提出了相应的措施。Abstract: typical engineering of crystallization on corrosion is presented.A newly-built high buildingis located on the ground of a former chemical plant. The groundwater contains of high concentra-tion and has crystallization corrosive effect on concrete. Crystallization corrosive mechanism of,treatment of polluted soils,method of detennining contaminant migntion through barriers and evalua-tion standard of crystallization corrosion are discussed.