Mechanism of Anchor Bar in Different Elastic Modulus Rocks by Model Test
摘要: 本文通过模拟块试验,研究了锚杆在不同岩体中的工作机理。结果表明,在满足L/e≥2的条件下,不同弹模的围岩岩体存在布锚优化的问题。本文着重探讨了锚杆对不同岩体的约束效应和锚杆对不同弹模岩体的E,c,Ф值及破坏强度的影响机制。Abstract: Simulating tests for mechanism of anchor bar in the different elastic modulus of rock mass were studied. Results indicate that there are optimization arrangement of anchor bar in different elastic modulus of surrounding rock for L/e≥2. Affecting mechanism ,φ , c, σ and binding effect of anchor bar in different elastic modulus of rock mass are discussed.