Engineering Geology Characteristics and Analysis of Stracture Fracture in Kelamayi Region
摘要: 本文从实地调查(包括工程水文地质及房裂分析)入手,结合大量的室内外试验,对克拉玛依某地区下卧岩土工程特性进行了深入研究,指出了房裂产生的主要原因,提出了在该地区避免建筑物开裂的主要措施。Abstract: Investigation on engineering geology, hydrogeotogy and conditions of structure fracture; large amount of laboratory and field experiments, the engineering characteristics of the subsoil in Kela-mayi region are studied. Main reason for stracture fracture was explained, preventive measures for the fracture of buildings in this region are suggested.