Studies on the Shearing Strength of Soil from Slope and Foundation Failures
摘要: 土体稳定分析的可靠性,取决于正确预测土的抗剪强度,可是现有技术水平尚难以准确测出符合实际的真实强度。此强度及其测试技术只有从实际土体滑坍现象中探求,可是从中反演分析c,Φ值是尚未解决的难题,本文建议的临界圆的强度包线法就可迎刃而解。本文研究了14座失稳工程,认为真实强度测试方法与土的性质有关。故在进行稳定分析时应按土的性质选用抗剪强度测试方法及相应的临界安全因数,在工程设计中采用的稳定安全因数应大于此值,建议一般工程应大于1.3,重要工程不小于1.5为宜。Abstract: In order to obtain the actual shearing strength parameters of soil for stability evaluations. This should perform post-mortem analyses of actual slides in conjunction with modern methods of determining the shearing strength of soil. This is the only way to perfact existing technigues. In this paper, the shearing strength envelope of critical cirles method is very useful! for post-mortem analyses of actual, slides.