Vertical Bearing Capacity of Bored Piles With Expanded End
摘要: 考虑了多种复杂因素,利用有限元法,在弹塑性理论基础上建立了桩和土的受力和变形的计算模型并编制了电算程序,可模拟算出桩的P-S曲线。通过对40余根桩的计算,主要做了以下工作:①研究桩端拱高f与扩大端直径D之比对垂直承载力的影响;②研究不同的桩身直径d,D和桩长H对垂直承载力的影响。获得了一些有益的结论。Abstract: Based on elasto-plastic theory of soils, a finite element model that takes many soil effects into account for simulating p-S curves of bored piles with expanded ends under vertical load is presented. Through computation of over 40 piles, the effects of f/D( ratio of camber and diameter of pile end )and d/D (d: pile diameter ) on the vertical bearing capacity are studied, and conclusions are drawn. The expanded end increases vertical capacity greatly but decreases allowable bearing capacity per unit area of the end.