The State and Prospect of Centrifugal Model Test in China
摘要: <正> 一、概况 离心模拟试验技术是岩土力学和岩土工程领域中的一项新技术。对这项技术的研究,国外在30年代就已起步。由于离心模拟技术的独特优点,对模拟以自重为主要荷载的岩土结构物的性状特别有效。因此国内几家科研单位也于80年代初开始研制离心机,致力于发展我国自己的离心模拟试验技术。1991年6月在上海铁道学院举行的第二届全国离心模拟试验技术学术讨论会是近四年来我国在该项技术发展的一次检阅。Abstract: This paper is completed based on the general report of 2 nd Chinese symposium on centri-fuge. In this paper new developements of technique of centrifugal model test and the applications in engineering construction are outlined since the first Chinese symposium in 1987. Then, the problems which should be solved in centrifugal model test was pointed. Finally, some ideas for further developing are also suggested.