The Seepage Control from Ash Lagoon and the Application of Three Dimensional Mathematical Model
摘要: 燃煤电厂粉煤灰的贮放多用水力冲填法,贮灰库内形成渗流场。本文从粉煤灰特殊的物理力学性质出发,阐明加强排渗设施,缩小贮灰库下游饱和区范围的重要意义,并分析了几类灰坝的排渗型式,指出贮灰库设计和研究的趋势;同时介绍了伽略金法和等参数单元在贮灰库排渗模拟中的应用,指出渗透系数的各向异性对贮灰库渗流的影响程度。模型采用了多种形态的等参元,用较高阶空间等参元模拟排渗干扰井群,效果良好。Abstract: The seepage control is of great importance to the steadiness of the coal ash Lagoon in the thermal power plant. Some drainage patterns of the ash-retention dam are expounded and the development of their design and research is pointed out. The Galerkin method of the weighted residues and the three-dimensional isoparametric element are applied for modelling the seepage field of the ash Lagoon.