由孔压圆锥消散试验测定固结系数的方法 English Version
Coefficient of Consolidation Determined From Piezocone Dissipation Tests
摘要: 为了检验孔压圆锥贯入试验测定固结系数的适用性,选择了五个现场进行试验与分析。文中介绍了整理资料的方法,并给出五个场地的试验结果。试验表明,现场测定的固结系数较室内试验的结果高1—2个数量级。文章讨论了造成这种差别的原因及其合理性。Abstract: Five sites were selected to examine the application of dissipation tests for determination of the ia situ consolidation coafficient. The Ch values of field tests are higher than those of comparable laboratory tests. Possible causes of this difference are discussed in this paper. Finally, some suggestions are given on the procedure to perform a dissipation test In the field.