The Blasting Effect On the Environment of the Extension Work of A Cold Rolling Mill
摘要: 武钢冷轧厂扩建镀锡作业线,要求对现有通风机室进行拆除。通风机室位于冷轧厂五机架东北端,西南面距离9m处有电控室,29m处有电子计算机房,北面30m处有开关站,东北面架空斜度5m处有煤气管道,屋顶上和两旁紧靠压缩空气管道和水管,靠近将爆破拆除的通风机室四角距离仅380mm有四个厂房柱,其柱基紧靠爆破拆除的风道。这些建筑物,设备仪表,特别是电子计算机,对爆破振动敏感,煤气管道在爆破时必须绝对安全,所以该拆除工程系高难度爆破,关键是爆破对周围环境的影响。首先要确保绝对安全,同时要保证正常生产。Abstract: A built tinpiate working line of a cold rolling mill in Wuhan Iron and Steel Work, Hubei, PRC, was extended. It was required that the air exhauster chamber should be demolished.Air exhauster chamber was located in the northeast end of the fifth rack of the mill, 9m away southwest there was the electric control chamber, 29m away was the electric computer room, and 30m away northward was a switch station. In the northeast elevated about 5m high was the mixed gas pipelines of coal, hydrogen and nitrogen. On the roof and by the sides there were pipes for compresed air and water. Close to four corners of the air exhauster chainber which was planned to be demolished, there were four building columns only 380mm apart, and the column foundations were very close to the ventilation galleries.All these structures, instrumentations especially the electric computer mentioned above are very sensitive to vibration Induced by blasting. The safety of the coal gas pipsline should be absolutely guaranteed and not to be damaged by blaeting. Therefore such a blasting project is a highly difficult one, its key point is the effect of blasting on the environment. It is required that the work must be absolutely safe and reliable, and the normal operation of the mill should not be disturbed.