工程应力变化对岩石强度特性影响的试验研究 English Version
The Experimental Study of the Influence of Engineering Stress Changes on Strength Characteristics of Rocks
摘要: 本文根据矿山生产中所出现的三种应力变化,利用真三轴压力装置对须家河砂岩和嘉陵江石灰岩的强度特性进行了研究。得出了三种应力变化下砂岩和石灰岩的强度准则。本文所述的三种实验粪型的研究结果还表明,岩石的强度特性是与应力变化有关的。因此,通过符合于实际工程应力变化的真三轴实验来研究岩石的强度特性是很有必要的。Abstract: The strength eharacteristics of rocks under three kinds of stress changes which probably occur in mining practice have been investigated by using a true triaxial testing machine. The strength criterion has been presented. Two rock types, Xujiahe sandstone and Jialingjiang limestone were used for all tests. It is shown by tests that the strength characteristics of rocks depond on the stress changes. Therefore, it is necessary to apply true triaxial test to study the characteristics of rock so that the stress process can be consistent with the actual stress changes of in engineering project.