Mechanicai Analysis of Rock Mass with the "Plate Fracture" Structure
摘要: <正> 岩体结构类型的划分方案已提过许多种,主要划分原则是岩体破碎程度。谷德振教授在一九七七年曾提出:破碎带应作为一种岩体结构单元。他已将“板”作为一种薄层状结构从一般的层状结构中独立出来。之后,孙广忠等在一九八四年第二届全国工程地质大会上正式提出了“板裂”结构的新概念(同期,他还在文献3中谈及对劈理带用板裂力学模型进行研究的问题),引起工程地质界和岩体力学工作者的很大兴趣。 岩体结构分类的主要目标是作出比较符合实际的岩体稳定评价,使工程设计臻于经济合理。显然,认识和划定岩体的“板裂”结构,采用特定的力学模型,则有助于针对性地解决具体的工程地质问题。Abstract: On the basis of the new concept of the "plate fracture" structure Presented by Sun Guangzhong et al., this paper discusses the grounds for differentiating in from the stratified structure, and the differences of their mechanical models used. The engineering practice showes that in stability analysis of underground cavities, slopes and dam foundations the characteristic method of the "plate fracture" structure sometimes leads to better ecomie effects.