Intelligent Desing System on Ground Improvement
摘要: 《地基处理智能辅助设计系统》(IDSGI)为岩土工程师提供了一个快速、准确的集地基识别、方案选择、方案设计和具有绘图功能的软件包。本文讨论了IDSGI的建造原理及过程,并着重阐述了①知识库;②推理机;③设计模块;④图形模块;⑤其它模块。Abstract: Intelligent Design System on Ground Improvement (IDSGI) provides geotechnical engineers a fast, correct tool for the choice, design and darwing of ground improvement.This paper presents the establishment of IDSGI. The following topics are discussed in detail in this paper: ①Knowledge base;②Inference mechanism;③Design model;④Graphics model; ⑤The others.