Prediction of Stable Displacement and Unstable Time on Tunnel and Slope
摘要: 本文从位移时序曲线的特征出发,提出并验证了用加速度作为状态识别判据的可行性。对于稳定的情况,讨论了用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型预测最终收敛位移;对于失稳的情况,建立了用割线角估算失稳时间的一般公式。Abstract: In this paper, according to features displacement-time curves the possibility to use acceleration as a factor of state identification is suggested and testified. In the stable cases, the prediction of the ultimate convergence displacements by means of GM(1, 1 ) model of grey system is discussed.In the unstable circumstances,the general formula of calculating unstable time with tangent angle is established.