The Approximate Calculation of Partially Pentratinf Well
摘要: 一个复杂的渗流问题,只要对其流动图案作出比较确切的解释,那么即使在数学上予以简化,仍然可以获得满意结果。本文将不完整井的三元流动问题,用加权平均流线长度的概念,来模拟其局部附加阻力而使问题得到介决,从而把这一复杂的渗流问题,从繁琐的数学境界中解脱出来。文中得到的计算承压不完整井渗流量公式(21)(22),不论在方便实用或计算精确性方面,均优于目前国内外同类近似计算公式。Abstract: Complicated seepage problems can be solved satisfactorily with simplified mathe mate solutions if correct explanations are made for seepage flow net.In this paper, a detailed description is given on an easy method which uses weighted mean streamline length to simulate the local additional resistance for three dimensional flow problems of partially penetrating wells in confined and unconfined aquifers, thus simplifying the solutions for complicated seepage problems.Formulas (21) and (22) for calculating the discharge of partially penetrating wells are not only simple but also accurate as compared with approximate calcula-t-ing formulas at home and abroad.