Numerical Analyses Method of Rock Stability for Underground Chamber, Considering Rock Rheologic Behavior
摘要: 本文把岩体作为粘弹性介质,用伯格斯模型描述岩体的流变特性,对均质、连续、各向同性的岩体在围岩稳定分析中如何考虑岩体的流变特性,提出了一种数值计算方法,并对较坚硬的正长岩和较软弱的砂岩进行了流变计算。算例表明:岩体的流变特性对岩体,特别是软弱岩体的围岩稳定影响是不容忽视的,在围岩稳定分析中,粘弹性方法比弹性方法具有更好的近似性,它能更好地为我们预示洞室围岩塑性区的发展和洞周位移的变化情况,并为寻求有利的支护时间和支护形式提供依据。Abstract: In this paper, the rock masses ars regarded as visco-elastic media and the rheolo-gic behaviors of rock masses are simulated by Burgers model. To take the rock rheologic behavior into account for the stability analyses of homogeneous, isotropic and continuous rock masses, a method of numerical calculation has been put forward.The computations of stability analyses for underground chambers excavated in the comparatively rigid orthoclase and relatively soft sandstone show that the influence of rock rheologic behavior on the stability of rock masses can not be neglected, especially for the soft rock masses. The method, considering rock masses as visco-elastic media, is more reasonable than as elastic media in the analyses of surrounding rock stability. The development of the plastic zones in rock masses and the variations of displacement around the excavation can be predicted more accurately by using this method. And it can provide the basis for the choose of beneficial time and supporting forms.