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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊
程季达, 董振泰. 具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力的计算[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1984, 6(2): 59-71.
引用本文: 程季达, 董振泰. 具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力的计算[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1984, 6(2): 59-71.
Cheng Jida, Dong Zhentai. The Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Foundation with Soft Clay Underlying Layer[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1984, 6(2): 59-71.
Citation: Cheng Jida, Dong Zhentai. The Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Foundation with Soft Clay Underlying Layer[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1984, 6(2): 59-71.


The Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Foundation with Soft Clay Underlying Layer

  • 摘要: 本文研究具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力问题。三组室内模型试验表明具有软弱下卧层的地基破坏模型基本上属于冲切破坏。据此,提出具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力计算公式。通过试验结果、实际工程事故的验算以及和其它有关公式的对比,表明该公式在H/B≤3范围内能给出比较满意的结果。


    Abstract: This paper deals with the ultimate bearing capacity of a foundation with soft clay underlying layer. Three sets of model test in laboratory show that the failure model in the foundation with soft clay underlying layer belongs basically to the punching shear failure. According to this, a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of this foundation is presented here. Being verified by the results of experiment and the analysis of a certain case history, this formula, in comparison with other relevant formula, will give a more satisfactory result within the range of condition H/B≤3.


