Field Measurement of Coupled Vibration Foundation Parameters for Three-degree-of-freedom System
摘要: 本文提出用基础某些点上的位移幅值测量值,确定基础水平、垂直、摇摆耦合振动系统参数k_x,c_x,k_y,c_y,k_φ,c_φ的方法。该法对系统阻尼无特殊要求,适用于任意粘性阻尼c_x,c_y,c_φ的情形。利用这个方法,通过对不同频率激振下所得测量值的分析,可以得到基础系统参数随频率的变化关系。Abstract: In this paper has been presented the method for determining the parameters kx, cx, ky, cy, kφ,, cφ of a vibration foundation couplsd in rocking, horizontal and vertical modes with amplitude measurements on several points. The proposed method has no special requirements for the damping factor of the system. It is possible to find the frequency-dependent parameters of the system using the measurements obtained from various frequencies.