Experiments and Study on the Use of Methacrylate Chemical Grouts as Bedrock Consolidation Grouting Materials
摘要: 能否用有机化合物作基岩的固结灌浆材料,是我们研究化学灌浆的出发点之一。本文叙述了用甲基丙烯酸酯类化学灌浆材料,对一坝址石英闪长岩的弱风化带进行团结灌浆试验,通过试验所测得的岩石变形模量由26.3×104kg/cm2提高到47.4×104kg/cm2,静力弹性模量由29.6×104kg/cm2提高到57.9×104kg/cm2,声波速度Vp由4894m/s提高到5272m/s,单位吸水率ω由0.0351/(min·m·m)降低到0.0121/(min·m·m),缝面的粘结强度由零提高到13.4kg/cm2。Abstract: One of the points in our studying chemical grouting is to use organic compounds as bedrock consolidation grouting materials. This article describes how after consolidation treatment of moderately weathered quartzdiorite zone at a dam site by the use of methacrylate chemical grouts modulus of deformation was increased from 26.3×10~4 kg/ cm2 to 47.4×10~4 kg/cm2; static elastic modulus was increased from 29.6×10~4 kg/cm2 to 57.9×10~4 kg/cm2; the speed of sound wave, Vp, from 4894 m/s to 5272 m/s; and dynamic elastic modulus from 53.4×104~ kg/cm2 to 62.4 × 10~4 kg/cm2; unit water absorption ω was reduced from 0.035 1/min to 0.012 1/min and adhesive strength of fissure was increased from O to 13.4 kg/cm2.