Macroscopic Approach to Soil Liquefaction
摘要: 鉴于微观液化与宏观液化并不能等同,且在采取原状砂样进行室内液化试验方面还有许多无法解决的问题,本文试图从宏观现象着手研究液化的发生与发展,以探索在工程实践中评价液化势的新途径。文中提出的一些宏观研究结果,可与室内微观试验方法相辅相成,综合判定液化势及其震害效应。Abstract: In view of the differences between microscopic and macroscopic liquefaction of soils, and many unsolved problems in taking undisturbed sand samples, running laboratory testings etc., the author tries to explore some new ways for evaluating liquefaction potential by macroscopic approach to the occurance criteria and development of soil liquefaction. This paper presents some results of such work which can be used in association with the laboratory analysis so as to make further reliable assessment of liquefaction potential and its seismic effect.