Preliminary study on unified classification system for fine soil in China
摘要: 当前中国工程界对细粒类土的分类存在两种不同标准,一种是按液限wL和塑性指数Ip构成的塑性图进行分类,一种是按单一塑性指数Ip进行分类,并且这两种分类方法的分类指数Ip的确定标准也不相同,造成了使用上的混乱。对中国细粒类土的两种分类标准的历史由来进行了探寻,并与国际上通行的细粒类土的分类标准进行了分析比较,最后对中国细颗粒土分类标准的统一途径提出了建议。Abstract: There are two kinds of classification systems for fine soil in China. One is based on the plasticity chart by means of the liquid limit and the plasticity index. The other is only based on the plasticity index. Furthermore, the two systems have different standard for determining the plasticity index, and some confusion is caused in engineering practice. The historical causes for the two kinds of classification systems for fine soil in China are investigated. The current international classification standards or systems for fine soil are analyzed and compared. Some suggestions are proposed for the unified classification system for fine soil in China.