Application of riprap back pressure method in a soft soil slope
摘要: 以珠海某软土填方已出现滑移的边坡处理为背景,介绍了可采用的各种加固处理方案。经过比选采用了抛石反压方案,分析了加固处理的思路,即首先结合实际的滑弧位置通过反分析确定了加固计算所需的参数,然后分析计算了采用不同宽度和不同高度,以及一级反压、二级反压和三级反压平台等的各种抛石反压方案,从而确定了最终的加固方案。通过该工程的成功应用,进一步验证了抛石反压法在软土填方边坡中的经济适用性,可为以后类似工程参考借鉴。Abstract: Based on a slope treatment of soft soil filling project with ship situation in Zhuhai, several kinds of reinforcement schemes are introduced and compared. Then, the riprap back pressure method is adopted. The reinforcement idea is analyzed. Firstly, the necessary parameters are back analyzed by considering the actual location of slip circle, and then, various forms of riprap with different widths, heights and stages of counter-weight platform are analyzed and calculated. In this way, the ultimate reinforcement scheme is determined. The successful application verifies the economic applicability of riprap in treatment of soft soil fill slope. It may provide reference for the design of future projects.