Basal heave stability analysis for excavations in deep soft clays
摘要: 在深厚软弱土深基坑设计中,基坑墙底抗隆起验算是一项重要的内容。首先比较了不同规范规程对基坑抗隆起稳定性的典型验算方法,然后引入围护墙入土深度、墙底以上土体抗剪强度对基坑抗隆起稳定性的影响,并且介绍了相应的验算改进方法,为计算抗隆起稳定性提供了更为合理的方法,并且计算简便,易于工程技术人员使用。最后通过对浙江16个基坑工程实例计算表明,验算改进方法计入有利因素的影响,抗隆起稳定安全系数相应增加,证实了改进验算方法的合理性。Abstract: Basal heave stability is one of important pit design checks in the deep soft clays. Typical methods for heave stability in different specifications or codes are first introduced. Then the effects of some factors on the basal heave stability such as insertion ratio and strength of the soil above the retaining wall are presented, and reasonable corrections are proposed for these various factors. The calculation process is simple and convenient for application to design of excavations. Finally, 16 case histories of deep excavations in soft clays in Zhejiang Province are summarized and evaluated. The results by the improved method show that the safety factor of heave stability increases and the applicability of the proposed method is reasonable.