Key construction techniques for oversized excavation pits using top-down method
摘要: 上海陆家嘴塘东中块总部基地基坑工程采用了地下结构框架梁柱作为基坑的支撑,墙体和楼板顺做的框架逆作法,是该地区很有特色的工程案例。主要介绍了该工程设计施工的两项关键技术,包括盆式和分层分块平衡对称抽条开挖和逆作法主要施工节点处理、不均匀沉降控制等,为类似工程起到了示范作用。Abstract: The deep foundation pit of the headquarter base of Tangdong central block in Lujiazui of Shanghai is constructed by use of the top-down method. It is a very distinctive engineering case in this area. Some key design and construction techniques are introduced. They include rational planning of soil excavation, treatment of critical construction nodes and control of uneven settlement, etc. The success of this case may provide engineering experience for similar projects.